The Il2 legacy of CY6 will be that of a real game changer, having fundamentally changed how we use the sim.
Kudos to all those who suggested 412 Command and Control needs to be in Dawn of Flight. It is now, with Part-11, and you will get these missions too, that's a promise.Created by placing various objects into missions through FMB, CY6's suite of functions never ceases to amaze. Let's have a look at Artillery Spotting in Dawn of Flight:
ARTILLERY SPOTTER:Without radios in WWI this would be done by the spotter aircraft flying over the target and dropping signal flares or wing waggling etc. Spotters would also land and report or drop hand written messages. Disc signalling was also used.
By March 1917 improvements in wireless communication meant that spotter aircraft could actually talk to ground units and even directly to tanks. This was a difficult business, it was found that talk from the air could be heard inside a tank only under the most favourable conditions, so long as the aeroplane was within a quarter of a mile of the tank and at a height not greater than 500 feet.
In practice a combination of these techniques was used by the spotter crew to relay their position to the battery and report on the accuracy of shots fired, falling short or too long etc.
All you have to do is lock onto an enemy ground target (default F5 key), we can assume the rest of the process has worked, and you have the required signal by return. The sim will inform you that the battery has your message and target indication and will fire for effect in 70 seconds.
Likewise your gunner is in the seat behind you. Even without a radio he has plenty of scope to signal you, bellow in your ear or punch your shoulder. Therefore C&C will also relay his messages to you, in a two seater aircraft, as he does three things with dilligence.
1) Tracks your course and announces your position (NAV)
2) Points out targets of interest on the ground (SPR)
3) Yells out if he sees enemy aircraft and 'clocks' them (GNR)
Inbound to the target area, those balloons are often close to the frontline positions. A Recon Point also helps us to get to right place on the map.

Enemy guns spotted, thank you gunny, lets get into position and do some wing waggling. In the sim I 'mark' the target with a ground padlock. I switched the little icon on so that you can all see it.

Looks like the battery has our message and has sent up a return signal flare, stand by.

Spot on, wanna go again?

There's a fair bit of flak up here, keep weaving and lets spot another target.

Enemy fighters inbound, time to make ourselves scarce...

I flew this for around ten minutes over the target, calling in many strikes, until the enemy ridgeline was a smoking hole. Many fighters arrived and we had to fight our way back to the airstrip picking up some friendly cover outbound.
Of course this already works in World at War and is great with a Wildebeast over the Western Desert or directing the off-shore batteries against positions on Iwo Jima. The possibilities are endless and we owe a great debt of thanks to CY6 for creating Command and Control and to Sputnickshock for helping us to bring it into 412 CUP.