SAS Bf109 B, C & D Packv1.1 : Updated 26 April
by Japancat, CirX
with new skins and voids by Ala13_ManOWarThis pack contains 5 main variants of early Bf109. To install them you should remove all previous Bf109 B version mods you may have in your MODS folder and install the approriate folder in your mods folder.
Included also a fantastic skin collection, INCLUDING NEW VOIDS FOR ALL TYPES by Ala13_ManOWar
This Pack is not an update of the previous 109B mod, it is completely new classes and new 3d model.
This Pack REQUIRES:(edit by Gerax: added the links for all who have problems finding the mods)
Der Wüstenfuchs 109 Cockpit Pack v4 or V4 lowrez version,1947.0.htmlor,4505.0.htmlSAS Buttons 5.4 or later,97.0.htmlRecommended: Anto's Ultimate 109 Pack,6424.0.htmlSpecial thanx also to Anto, for I used elements from the Ultimate 109 Pack for classfiles.
Note:Currently, the SAS Buttons 5.4 contain only PLACEHOLDER FM's for these planes. Sani will refine and update these as soon as he can.
Note: This does not have its own cockpit 3d or internally opening cockpit yet, and will share all similar known bugs with latest Bf109E1 and E3 Mods.
Biggest Thanx to JapanCat for the most AWESOME 3D work.
And thanx to ManOWar for great Skinning and research and testing.
air.ini:Bf-109B-1 air.BF_109B1 2 g01 SUMMER
Bf-109B-2 air.BF_109B2 2 g01 SUMMER
Bf-109C-1 air.BF_109C1 2 g01 SUMMER
Bf-109D-1 air.BF_109D1 2 g01 SUMMER
Bf-109D-1Late air.BF_109D1L 2 g01 SUMMER
plane_ru:Bf-109B-1 Bf-109B-1, 1936
Bf-109B-2 Bf-109B-2, 1937
Bf-109C-1 Bf-109C-1, 1938
Bf-109D-1 Bf-109D-1, 1938
Bf-109D-1Late Bf-109D-1 Late, 1938
# Bf-109B-1
Bf-109B-1.default Default
Bf-109B-1.none Empty
# Bf-109B-2
Bf-109B-2.default Default
Bf-109B-2.V4 Nose Mg17
Bf-109B-2.none Empty
# Bf-109C-1
Bf-109C-1.default Default
Bf-109C-1.C2 C-2 Nose MgFF
Bf-109C-1.none Empty
# Bf-109D-1
Bf-109D-1.default Default
Bf-109D-1.C2 C-2 Type Nose MgFF
Bf-109D-1.none Empty
# Bf-109D-1Late
Bf-109D-1Late.default Default
Bf-109D-1Late.MgFF Nose MgFF
Bf-109D-1Late.none Empty
Download SAS Bf109 BCD Pack v1.1Download SAS Bf109 BCD Pack Paintschemes v1.0v1.1: Several LOD and Mesh issues fixed by Birdman, including glass visibility issue. Also splits the painschemes download for easier updating. Guys who had v1.0 of the 109 BCD mod: This is a complete replacement. I have not tested it completely, but I believe it will solve most issues mentioned.
Edit by Birdman: Here is a fix for FMB crash issue:
Download FMB crash fix for v1.1Working ling courtesy of Flamer50 see post #160 FMB crash issue was not yet fixed in v1.1 because there was still one faulty file. My fix just installs a corrected version of that file. Just unpack into your MODS folder and let it overwrite the files of v1.1 pack.