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Author Topic: Should be up by the weekend  (Read 1300 times)

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Should be up by the weekend
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:09:11 PM »

A 20 mission Semi-historic Campaign.  Fly as Gregory "Pappy" Boyington throughout his career.

This campaign uses 3 different maps, and all are takeoff and landing.

Even though it's a static campaign, with the addition of C&C, all missions have random weather and random enemy skill in all missions.

Do you have what it takes to beat Boyington's 26 victories?

For the download, please read the ReadMe file that will be enclosed, it will be important to run the campaign properly.

I hope you will enjoy it...... and yes, mission 20 is probably one you can't win  :-|
4th Generation Intel


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Re: Should be up by the weekend
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 06:52:03 AM »

Looking forward to this Kev.  BTW there is never any need to say 'even though its a static campaign' as if that is somehow a short-coming.  IMHO 'Scripted Campaigns' are far superior to DGen and so-called dynamic campaigns. 

The problem many veteran pilots, I have spoken with over the years, have with such things is that these events happened.  I know more Vietnam, Falkland and Desert Storm vets these days, for obvious reasons, but the fact is real events happened a certain way for those who were actually there.  You don't get to go back and fix things or get a different result.

When we try to re-tell a historic event or account we are messing with history the moment we take control of the simulator.  Nevertheless, the scripted campaign can tell its story in far greater detail with far more accuracy and precision.  There is nothing 'static' about that at all.

In my opinion; this kind of campaign, written and skinned to depict real events, is Il2 Mods at its best and the very reason I set out to create C.U.P. in the first place.  Bring it on!   8)


...and it is great, get it here:



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