I managed to use some of the dead models from the multiple objects integrated into some of the individual ones.

Here we see the live and dead versions of those individual objects:

One problem I was having was that when placed in a scene all the objects would remain in their alive state even
if they were near a object that was destroyed and it sort of looked odd.
My thoughts were that if I enlarged the hit box, '[CoCommon]' is the name of the technical entry in the mesh, of my
objects and put them up close to other objects then it might be possible for them to be destroyed at the same time, here
we see the set up for the experiment:

Unfortunately it did not remedy the problem as I thought, obviously the hit box of another model does not actually effect
another even if they cross but at least more of the figures were hit at a similar time from the incoming fire around them:

The ideal would be if all the objects could be hit together but it seems that is not possible, sadly the static objects
cannot be assigned Red or Blue as a side so only pick up damage if they just happen to be caught in the crossfire.
Even so I will leave them with that larger hit box as at least more of them do fall prey to bullets and explosions in
the area so it looks a little more realistic.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.