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Author Topic: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.  (Read 35779 times)

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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2016, 11:49:56 PM »

a question, concerning 3d objects -
which of the following formats are best suited for IL-2..

i'm asking, as i wonder if it's worth registering at some free 3d model sites, such as this: http://tf3dm.com/3d-models/aircraft
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2016, 03:08:27 AM »

a question, concerning 3d objects -
which of the following formats are best suited for IL-2..

i'm asking, as i wonder if it's worth registering at some free 3d model sites, such as this: http://tf3dm.com/3d-models/aircraft

Hello Eugene, I am no 3D expert so can only go with what I use.

I have gmax and to open up someones 3D file in that I need it converting to OBJ format, there are probably others though.

It depends on the scripts you have available for your 3D programme so you would need to investigate, Blender I think can
also open OBJ as it seems to be a standard format for most and I see that quite a lot of the models in your link are available
in that.

For me to open a IL-2 mesh in gmax I open it first in meshconverter and then save it as 3DS and that is ok, however, if I download a
3DS file from somewhere on line and try to open it I cannot, get your head around that if you can. o_O

Hope that helps, although it will probably leave you as confused as I am. :D

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2016, 04:56:46 AM »

well, as i don't use any 3d software at all, it's all just over my head, really, lol.
just looking at what's available, and what 'might' be easiest to adopt into IL-2, but of course, i don't have enough of a decent working knowledge of 3d software, so really just all a big guess from my side.. :D
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2016, 05:11:45 AM »

In the past I have searched all over the internet for OBJ format free objects that could be converted
to this IL2-1946+Mods game. I still have the packages if anyone is interested. I had placed the links to them
in a post many years ago. It still might be around here in this forum.

They are all simple objects with not so many polygons,great for this game, but they look really amazing
and with a proper painted skin they will make the model look even better and more realistic.
If Anyone is interested, send me  a PM and I will send them over to you for conversion to this game.

Unfortunately for me, with the scarse time I have available to work on things for this game, I can only
concentrate 100% on painting skins, doing research for the proper colors and details, and texturing things for
all these models to look their best and more realistic for us to enjoy the game better.
I really dont have that much time to learn how to use a 3Dmax program  :(. Just using Photoshop and its many functions
is already alot of work. But I am doing my best.

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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2016, 08:39:33 AM »

that site i linked above has some pretty looking ladies in OBJ format, Max - even an actual Lara Croft, lol :D
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2016, 12:18:03 PM »

In the past I have searched all over the internet for OBJ format free objects that could be converted
to this IL2-1946+Mods game. I still have the packages if anyone is interested. I had placed the links to them
in a post many years ago. It still might be around here in this forum.

I would be interested in the links Max, not sure if I would take on any of the projects at the moment but I could
keep any downloads on the hard drive until I was able to take a look and see if the objects were compatible. ;)

that site i linked above has some pretty looking ladies in OBJ format, Max - even an actual Lara Croft, lol :D

Lara for IL-2, now that sounds like a plan. 8)

Here is a third item, pilots with map:

I only realised today that the model uses three textures not two as I already thought so I had to seperate the parts
into three sections and apply each skin before putting it back together again. :P

The damage model was experimented with even though I was not originally going down that route, just a copy of
the 3D with a dark texture for now:

Testing to confirm it worked in game:

The height of this damage model building has been corrected since I took the shot:

Now where did Eugene say I could find Lara. :D

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2016, 01:15:00 PM »

 ;D      ;D   
For me the damage objects blacks might be okay, but what I said, great!
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2016, 03:14:11 PM »

Wonderful! But take your time! No rush. We can wait!  ;)
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2016, 07:15:17 PM »

That looks fabulous!  8)
Well done Pete !
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2016, 10:55:08 PM »

awesome, Pete!
i registered at the 3d site i mentioned earlier, and am d/l'ing some 'obj' format ladies for your perusal.
i see a little space left there on the edge of your pretty full plate, lol :D

Lara OBJ - https://www.mediafire.com/download/lz8e88nf5ex8n8z/Lara+Croft+02.7z   :D
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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2016, 06:09:21 AM »

Hello guys, the damage model you see will probably not be in the initial release that will be just the figures and shadows
as I said, it was there specifically to set it up in the folders to confirm it worked. ;)

The actual damage models will most likely use the figures themselves with some of their parts altered and being laid down
as was the case with the cavalry, the objects such as ladders etc. will most likely be just placed on their side as though they
were pushed over, something suggested to me by by Stalker.

The buildings I feel could be best represented by damage textures, although I could also provide some damage to the 3D as
well, that has yet to be investigated.

And on to the lovely Lara, thank you very much Eugene for the OBJ file, greatly appreciated, although getting her dressed I
feel might be a touch awkward. :D

The model opens up fine in gmax, however, it looks like I will have to seperate her figure into multiple parts to get the many
textures on. :o

This gives you a idea of the work, all the various parts you see surrounding the box with the texture are Lara unwrapped, the
parts selected in red are for that texture. o_O

Here we see the texture for the face applied, there are other bits using the same texture though and I will have to identify
them somehow. :P

I can see all these projects taking some time, I better finish the Junkers F13 before I get too involved.

Take care guys.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Objects and characters developed by Geezer for "First Eagle" into IL-2.
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2016, 07:56:40 AM »


The model opens up fine in gmax, however, it looks like I will have to seperate her figure into multiple parts to get the many
textures on. :o

This gives you a idea of the work, all the various parts you see surrounding the box with the texture are Lara unwrapped, the
parts selected in red are for that texture. o_O

Here we see the texture for the face applied, there are other bits using the same texture though and I will have to identify
them somehow. :P


If I was using multiple textures like that; I would make a 1024/1024 image and just slap all the textures there, IF it could fit, otherwise, just export multiple parts, edit the mission file in NotePad++ Put all the parts together, and just, place her wherever we'd need her. 8) That's what I've done with my HD Grandstand model >>
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