If I was using multiple textures like that; I would make a 1024/1024 image and just slap all the textures there, IF it could fit, otherwise, just export multiple parts, edit the mission file in NotePad++ Put all the parts together, and just, place her wherever we'd need her.
That's what I've done with my HD Grandstand model >>
Thank you very much for the hint Ghost129er, I will keep that in mind when I get around to doing Lara properly, just at the
moment she is not top of the need to do list.

Max, thank you very much for the links they are greatly appreciated, unfortunately experiments today show they have issues
for IL-2, they are way to high in the poly count.

I made a attempt to open them in gmax, thankfully that was successfull and I was able to apply textures:

As you can see though the woman is very high on the poly count, take a look at the vertices:

This is what I got when I got her in game:

Fuck she was huge.

I loaded the man up and again was able to apply the textures, even managed to get part of him into a mesh, however, to
extract him as a single object was impossible due to the poly count:

I believe the polys can be reduced by welding the vertices, however, that would I feel be too great a task.
I gave re-sizing a go, here is a comparison of the male and female:

And progress:

I did manage eventually to reduce the size of the female figure and get her in game, however, if you try to view her
in the object window she crashes the sim.

Anyway, thank you for the links guys but I need to leave them aside and get back on track, pains in neck, arms and hands
prevents me spending much time on modding these days so I need to focus on the main projects on the go at the moment
and avoid any distractions.
So back on track with the main theme of the thread.

Stalker has been exercising his considerable artistic talents to explore a few possibilities for our objects and sent me these today.

New texture for the barn gives it a different colour and wooden doors:

And the little dog gets a new coat:

I am sure you will agree that he is definately up there with the best artists this community has.
From tomorrow I will be making a attempt to finish the Junkers F13s so I can release the update that is currently in the school, from
then on I will be using what little time I have available to concentrate on the WWI objects.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.