The prospect of detailed, working WW I anti aircraft guns....
A dream come true 
Many thanks for your combined work !
Yes, I certainly agree Alfie, hopefully that might now happen if Geezer is willing.

He asked me the other night about modding tools for IL-2 so maybe what he has seen here has stimulated his interest and he might come join in some time.

It was unusual to have the question put to me by someone who like us has not been around the Il-2 game for years and it was surprisingly difficult to answer him other than give him a link to various threads and suggest he set up a IL-2 install, after all he would first have to take that rather laborious path of a new install and patching up, very tiresome for a newcomer who unlike us will not have numerous versions on our hard drives already patched up after years of playing the game.

Before even thinking about modding the sim it would certainly be necessary for him to gain a understanding of how mods are installed and used before he could set off along the path of IL-2 modding madness.

Anyway, I hope he does at least stay with us and develops a interest, that would be awesome to have someone with his obvious ability around here.
Well, the dead objects are now finished for this particular batch of buildings, here are some images:

Hanger one I think:

Hangar three:

And the whole family including the tent hangar and tent:

The models are far from perfect, there is only so many elements that you can remove and move so they are not as
convincing as something made from the start purposely to represent a destroyed building, however, if you do not
look to close they will hopefully be okay.
I will try and upload today or tomorrow hopefully all being well.

Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.