All this stuff is absolutely great. I've downloaded and installed everything you've given us so far.
The best thing about all these things is that, while you're saying it's WWI, I'm using it all just fine in WW2. Buildings don't have a specific time frame and even your objects that might be termed "temporary" would probably be rebuilt in WW2 as the materials would still be available and the technology wouldn't have changed that much - particularly for those far-off places that didn't have access to up-to-date materials and technology.
The only things I don't use (I'm in the South Pacific with the USMC) are the obviously WWI pilots and the RAF officer. I've repainted a few of the figures into USMC Class "C" uniforms and many more into their green dungarees. I've run into a problem when you changed the meshes and gave us the new heads - I now need to go into the new SCWHead.tga files and redo the caps. Of course, because of the wrong head gear for general work, I'll be using the bare-headed fellas more than anything else.
Keep up the great work.
Yes they are very much applicable to most theatres within the game Bob irrespective of how they were first intended, glad you are putting them to good use and I look forward to seeing that skin art of yours.

I will be looking forward to using those lovely new buildings and hangars.
The extra stand and the Maintenance Shed hoist is also a real treat. Great models for creating many new airfield scenes (dioramas).
Glad you are happy with them Max, there are endless possibilities for their use and I am sure you will put your artistic talents to
good use in creating many of those.

we really are being spoilt rotten with all these super useful new objects 
You guys are worth making the effort for Eugene, put them to good use and enjoy.

The last objects Geezer sent to me have now been uploaded in the release thread so go get em.

Take care of yourselves.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.