...this is a WIP which means I do not give much about ever giving me the pain of FMB+ again.
Maybe in March again, but not unless there is a simple bug for this map.
Map does not load...? I am sorry. If there is no tex file missing, all said below......so:
This is for fun! WWII bases partially stripped off buildings. This is a jet era mod and all added airbases are at their real locations, albeit not exactly having the same layout.
DaveOD06-map original
Backup all files you may overwrite.
Put mapmods folder into mods/#SAS/ whatever your mods folder is named. Add all.ini line.
Check load.ini:
You may want to use my highly oversaturated high res tunes of Uufflakke's MTO high res version here. Marked with "//" in the load.ini.
To use, put them in place of the jungle trees in the load.ini and the latter in the backup place behind the "//"!
Default are now WHC's Jungle Trees, the former
default dlv_MTO_AlteredBush8a.tga are included as option under _Tex/Trees.
Same for skies: Default is one I merged from two tbauchot skies (I added it in another version as well, as option), the backup load.ini option is for clouds256.tga.
Quick Missions are WIP. They where fast done of the default Marianas map. I may change them later before upload, especially the RedScramble one...but I think that one is already a good start, covered ugly parts on airbases with hangars.
5 new jet capable airbases at original RL locations.
Some map_h edits and slightly increased elevations overall. Especially at Anderson US Air Force base. Some texture changes on certain areas.
Some forest added here and there.
Tinian north field a.o. of the older WWII fields made non usable and covered in forest.
Tinian International needed a very remarkable texture by Dave=D06 to be moved on the Tinian map, north of the base.
And so on.
This map will surely NOT run on a clean ModAct 5.3/6 install. Tested and made on DBW 1.7 and MA 5.3 with these edits outlined in post No 1, replies 10 and 53.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35419.0.htmlThis is for fun and unless there are brutal errors I am done with it.
If you do not know how to get a map working, check the SAS Newbie Sections:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42857.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,37295.0.htmlThe superb base map for this is by master DaveOD06!!
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21638.0.htmlAirbases: For fun, and human players, deliberately made a few a tad difficult, AI may suck, I do not care frankly spoken as I only make maps for joy and never fly with a shitload of AI bombers etc.. But all bases are relatively flat at sea level, the only issue for AI may be flat hills in front (deliberately, for fun kept) and some forest before final, also liked that..
Have fun..thanks to all modders whose work I am allowed to use and to those I forgot.
Just for those teenagers on this forum who constantly deny the ability to read: I am DONE with this map and map modding so if there is a non easy fixable error on this pack, I wil simply pull the link rather than get another 12-20 hours into FMB+.
Easy errors like e.g. an object on the airbase I may fix, be warned I kept one or two olive trees aside the runways by accident...away of the flight line at least.
Have fun!