I was asked it were possible to provide a list of maps that are in progress. Here are a number of maps that are in various stages of completion, some more than others. Some are requests that are being finished by other members ... some are just sadly languishing through lack of interest or imagination or because they are stuck due to faults of my own.
Most of them lack populating with objects, so anyone wishing to do this task may always ask for a specific map ... I'll be only too happy ...
Bataviaa nicely textured map with airfields in place- still needs populating
Biscaythis map is now finished and can be downloaded here:
Galiciaa map that needs a bit of retexturing and the whole populating of towns and villages
Iraqthis map is in the process of being completed with populating being done by Riptide (who did Hankow populating so well)
now finished and downlaodable at the following link:
Kanto Plaina request map that is not quite totally texturized - needs populating
Marruecosan older map that has been retextureized in 1024 - needs populating but will probably use templates from iraq map by Riptide
Ostravaa request map that still needs populating
Palestinea map with a very nice texture set - still needs populating, airfields and some other things but has a good potential
Suezan older map that is partially populated and needs some reworking done on the texture sets, which are a bit complicated due to presence of Nile Delta and desert in close proximity
Syriaan older map that is already populated, but is a bit tricky to texturize due to several landscape types on the same map
Tunis-Sicilyjust started on this map, but it should come along nicely with new textures
Viet-Minha request map that is texturized and still needs placing of airfields and populating
Cape GloucesterMap is now finished and can be downloaded via this link:
the Bahamas Training Centera training map which will be populated by the Czech Virtual Squadron
Mig Alley_________________________________________________________
Scotland-Norwaya Czech Virtual Squadron populating project
Cataloniaa map in 175% scale
Cuba - Bahia de Cochinosa map in 200% scale
Iran-Soviet Borderarea of Soviet Iranian contention during WWII
El Frente de Aragona Spanish Civil War map of the northern Aragon Front
Madrid - Brunete-Jaramaa Spanish Civil War map
now finished and downloadable here:
Pensacola Training Stationmap is textured and has a quick and dirty minimum populating done
beta download is available here:
Dodecanese Islandswith templates by Uufflakke
Ifni - Spanish African Province_____________________________________________________
Casablanca - Operation Torch Landings