This will surely be a outstanding selection of aircraft Dreamk, it gets better every time you post.
Your project is surely a work of love and dedication something to be very proud of.
I would like to have the time to make the cockpits fully functioning in all the WWI types I made a slot for, sadly when the project started to get all the aircraft a slot that did not have one there were so many that I had to make a decision on how far I could or would take each aircraft. I gave myself a remit to just have the basic controls functioning in a cockpit that at least used the actual 3D rather than something borrowed in the hope that others would step up to the mark and try and finish what I started, sadly only the skinners joined in and they kindly provided some gorgeous cockpit re-paints.
We are all really looking forward to seeing your pack added to our game, good luck with it.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.