well gents, thanks for all the replies so far....
unfortunately most of them are not really applicable here, as i've already shown, by way of the ini files that i have in my rar archives from Part 6 all the way through to Part 9, that there is no reference to any of these vehicles, whatsoever, in any of them.
i included from Part 6, as that is the part (i linked it in reply #14 of this thread for easy reference) that supposedly includes them for the first time.
as you will see, if you check the associated ini's which i provided in reply #17 and #19 of this thread -
none of them show any entries for these vehicles.
if they first appeared in Part 6, then they should be included in each and every ini thereafter, from Part 6 all the way through to Part 9.
but they don't appear anywhere - not in
any of those ini's.
the first mention of them in my files is Part 9B, and then i get an expected (to me) 70% ctd, as the only ini reference to them is in the stationary.
without any chief or technics entry at any point, a 70% ctd is all one can expect.
so, i understand that everyone has these entries, i am happy, and can't argue that - however, that doesn't help me - as you can see for yourself, with all the ini's i've provided, with each part from 6 through 9, that they simply don't exist anywhere there.
so, although my JTW loads up correctly (without crashing) up to and including Part 9, those vehicles are not included (for me) and when i add Part 9B, which includes the stationary entries only, it crashes.
how on earth do i have every ini file from Part 6 that simply doesn't include these vehicles anywhere?
i can't get my head around that, sorry.
my downloaded files check out (at least size-wise), but hey, guess i'll just start downloading everything again....
someone suggested i d/l Part 9 again...sure, i'll do that, but that still leaves those vehicles missing from my Part 6, 7 and 8...so....hell, guess i'll re-download them all again....

strange, no-one's offered to let me try adding the chief/technics entries for these vehicles myself, to see if it's just the entries that are missing....
again, a corrupted download doesn't fly here, to my mind - if a download is corrupted, i might not be able to access the provided ini file - you don't get a corrupted file (more so, several in a row) that is totally perfect, just missing the 3 entries for these vehicles.
anyway, before i start sounding too much like a stuck record, let me just start re-downloading all those parts again.