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Author Topic: Pardon my ignorance  (Read 1082 times)

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Pardon my ignorance
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:15:00 PM »

I haven't played IL2 in YEARS. When I last played IL2 installs were completely blackbox. Mods didn't exist. I am working on a CUP install and a lot of methods and terms are completely new to me. So I apologize for the following stupid questions:

1. Is JSGME part of the CUP install, or do I get that separately? If separately, is it required or just very important?
2. I read through the CUP manual, but I don't quite understand the restore points. Can you have multiple restore points in the same #WAW Mod?  Could someone explain that another way?
3. I've gotten to #4 in the STEP-BY-STEP guide. Is it too late to use JSGME?


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Re: Pardon my ignorance
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2016, 10:06:15 PM »

hi, and we,come to the forum
when you're new to the world of IL2 mods, the only stupid questions are the ones not asked... :D
okay, let me try and answer yours here -
1. yes, JSGME is included with the CUP install. you don't need to get it separately.
2. basically, as you install extra parts, and you get to a 'restore point' part, it's just a case of simply doing exactly what the accompanying readme tells you to do.
in most all cases, it means disabling (by putting a '-' (minus) sign in front of the relevant folder, and simply adding the new folder.once you test the game with the new folder, and are satisfied everything is okay, you can safely delete the disabled folder.
it's up to you, though, if you want to keep multiple disabled folders, you will have to rename them yourself as you like, but there's really not much point.
if your latest installed part is working properly, there's nothing to gain in keeping the old disabled folders. just get rid of them.
3. no, although that depends what you mean by 'use JSGME'  -  for my install, i didn't activate anything via JSGME until i had successfully installed each part of each module.

also, don't forget to check out the latest JSGME restore points - this is also needed to be done once or twice during the install process - again, check each individual part's readme file, it gives you exact instructions on each step.
follow those instructions and you can't go wrong.
if there's the slightest thing in a readme that you don't understand, rather ask here in the forum first before doing something you're unsure of.
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Pardon my ignorance
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2016, 07:19:29 AM »

Thanks Malone. I appreciate the reply. I'm still trying to understand this file structure. In Strikefighters2 I can mod it in my sleep (a couple times I have). Here, I'm lost.

1. The instructions for "how" to do a restore point are clear enough. For instance at "C.U.P.- Module 02 - Dawn of Flight Pt-06" Line #2 reads: "In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #DOF to -#DOF."

The instruction is perfectly clear. I guess what I don't understand is, why that works. Isn't the data in the #DOF folder to that point lost? Why have the folder to that point if it's going to be deleted anyway? Is the #DOF just a staging area for the install process?

2. I found the JSGME executable and that's working fine. I've activated mods already. The JSGME manual says it creates a "\MODS" folder, but I don't see that. Do I need to create one? I see a "jsgmemods" folder. Is that what the manual was referring to?

3. In the Map install links, specifically at "SAS-MME10" for instance, The blue link takes me to another page with a bunch of other mods listed. Should these be installed also? Or is that up to personal taste?
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