Like I said,
it was ALL a big confusion at that time and a crazy Civil War.
I don't know English and it is difficult to me to explain, but I will try.
There is such delusion that the red army consisted of Bolsheviks, but it not so. The percent of Bolsheviks in RKKA and VChK was very small. In the majority there were Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries, anarchists, non-party and various national groups. The white army was not less ill-matched also. By the way she contrary to delusions, didn't try to restore the monarchy, and on the contrary it is even possible to call her democratic. Monarchists there was a minority. In addition in many regions of the country any outcasts and odious persons, like the baron Unger, the father Makhno, the ataman Antonov and Annenkov who worked for themselves and concluded the alliances when it was favorable to them have got out. It led to the fact that red were at war sometimes with red, and white with white. From here and numerous mutinies and all this on money of the western countries, the former allies, or enemies of Russia. By the way many new states are obliged to Bolsheviks by the emergence, or to obtaining independence.
What, concerns identification marks, there was a set of instructions, but in practice there was everything differently. The first Soviet stars have appeared only in the middle of 1919 and by order of Totsky, had to be black color. Before there were either old imperial cockardes, or red circles, sometimes meet white (The Moscow school of pilots). Also couldn't be and with identification marks Load. Best of all, they are visible, on trophy Sopvich Kamel, to the 6th aviagroup of Denikensky army belonging earlier flown from Chechnya. Therefore when on him have painted over the English cockardes and there were white circles on which after and have applied the Georgian identification marks. On Ansaldo SVA10 is clearly visible that identification marks are applied just on the planes, without any white circles. It, most likely, is caused by the fact that these planes were officially purchased Italy and therefore to Georgia, most likely they have arrived without identification marks.