Good day ladies and gentelmen…First I want to say thank you to all the modders around the world who keep this great simulator (and countless other simulators) running to this are the true force behind this hobbie, specially all the ones who share their work expecting nothing but the satisfaction of a job well done, you are the ultimate expression of true freedom.
As a man who doesn´t like the DLC trend on the combat flight simulation market, and likes the GNU licences the SDK´s, the creativity and of course the possibility to create and share your own creations with the world...I´m very pleased with CUP...I´m working in a campaign for it, and the amount of objects, maps and tools available to us is impressive.
I encourage to anyone beyond the realm of the veteran modders who want to do something for the CUP community, but isn´t good with code or 3D modeling, to create and share missions and campaigns, believe me the possibilities are endless, and the reward inmense.
As a very happy user I just have one petition to the CUP team...keep the mod growing and stable.
Sorry for the long preface but I wanted to say that.
...And so this is my first small contribution to the il2 community, in fact I´m a bit ashamed as this is basically a tutorial to do a repackaging of Two sets of UI mods, the only original thing here is my dessire to share the procedure.
1-Credits: The original creators of the content are the users Drewm3i and vpmedia. Thanks for your work, here are the original posts:
Original post number 1: post number 2:,43590.0.html2-What you will get (check the images): Basically the fusion of all the good things in these two mods including new background images for the various screens of the game,new interface switches, and even the new ui music (great choice here Drewm3i) all with the benefit of the jsgme packaging system.

3-What do you need:A bit of time, dedication, and common sense, follow the procedures and you will get a working mod.
4-If you find the Procedure too extensive is because I wanted a "cristal clear" explanation to everybody specially to any newcomer.
5-If you find any error in my writing I apologize to all of you as the english language is not my main language...of course any polite correction will be more than welcome.
6-Check the link to download the tutorial. luck!!