There has been talk, for many years now, about re-doing the Philippines. I made a proposal years ago about doing just the main island of Luzon. I think it was Kirby who gave me the map files (at that time I did not know how to use SRTM DEMs). The mountains looked too pointy so I didn't do much with that map.
Now that I know how to start a map with DEMs I have been playing around a little with new maps. One is of Moravia (part of Czechoslovakia). Another is of east Slovakia, east Hungary, west Romania but I have not done much to that one. I was looking at Malaya/Singapore wanting to do the whole country and a little part of Thailand but I chose to do Luzon instead.
This Luzon will be for the 1941-42 time period. The mountain geography looks much better (I suppose because of the new SRTM data). I threw on some of cyberolas' Burma textures, thanks Cyberolas! but it still needs help.
There are no objects, no roads, no rivers, yet. This might take me a long time
Anyone interested in helping? cyberolas (or anyone else), if you're reading, you're welcome to retexture this map.
This is a pic showing how far south the map goes. The north part is not shown but it covers all of Luzon.
Bataan peninsula looking north. Looks much different than delvpeir's version but his was made a LONG time ago.
"The Points" of Bataan with Corregidor in background.
Next 3 pics are on west coast Luzon.
Would be nice to have some help. I hate doing rivers and I'm not that great at doing everything else either haha!
I have all the US Army maps of Luzon in a file if any helper would like have them.