I hope you are all well. Training targets and an assortment of runway equipment from Project 85, which may be of interest. cheers mace
Range Target affords the opportunity for gunnery and unguided rocketry practice. Simply constructed and relatively small (4m x 6m x 4m), they can be located on water or land.
Target Sub allows for training in detecting submarines and using anti-submarine depth charges, acoustic homing torpedos or guided weapons. Simulating an unmanned submersible with an IFF radar reflector, this radio-guided target vessel (22.7m x 2.6m x 3.2m) will be submerged or motor on the surface depending on its proximity to searching aircraft; more than 12km - on the surface, between 12km & 6km - at periscope depth, and less than 6km - fully submerged. When submerged, an underwater outline of the target sub is still visible from the air.
Target Barge enables you to practice level & dive bombing, torpedo and guided weapons attacks against surface vessels. Simulating a ferro-cement hull (to take greater ordnance damage), it can be moored at sea, beached or even towed by another vessel. The target barge (25.9m x 5m x 4.7m) has an IFF radar reflector and an acoustic beacon. When the barge is being towed, a flashing strobe is active.
Arrestor Trap is a simple addition to IL2 that allows for arrestor cable landings on any runway. Pilots can still do conventional takeoffs and landings on airfields with this modification. Some basic runway lighting has also been incorporated into the trap, which will automatically activate between 1800hrs and 0600hrs.
Catapult-Trap adds a steam catapult and manned launch control pod (‘bubble’) to a runway arrestor wire trap. SAS Engine Mod is required if you wish to use the steam catapult facility
Windsock will reflect the WindDirection and WindSpeed values from the [WEATHER] section of a .mis file. The sock will fully extend when the wind velocity is more than 28kph (17mph or 15kts). Basic lighting has also been incorporated into the windsock, which will automatically activate between 1800hrs and 0600hrs.
This project showcases the talents and efforts of many in the IL2 community and if you are missing from the credits, it is accidental, so please inform me and you will be included in an update.
1C (Oleg Maddox), Asheshouse, Checkyersix, Damawo, Tomoose, Wolfighter
Additional coding, 3D objects, mesh textures & schemes, documentation, and missions by mace
*Special thanks to all the ‘beta’ testers for their time and feedback, very much appreciated.
Only tested in 4.10m and 4.12m for IL2. The steam catapult facet of Catapult-Trap will not work unless you have the SAS Engine Mod (v2.5 or better) installed, since a catapults.ini entry is needed.
Sample missions for the F6F-5 Hellcat and F4U-1D Corsair using these runway additions and practice targets are also included. To try the five sample missions, copy the ‘Wire Traps, Steam Cats & New Targets’ folder into the Missions\Single\UN directory of your IL2 installation.