This kind of situation calls from a single kind of answer - take the last stable modded version (4.12) and extract all the worthy additions from TD present and future (if there are such) versions. This was obvious in my eyes since the release of 4.11 - I wrote so then. It's sad that facts have proven I was correct.
Apparently. and although we wanted and tried hard to believe differently, this recurring TD's team behavior is not accidental, but reflects the dark sides of their personality and (lack of) education.
... yep, exactly what could have been done way back, right from 4.09m, and thus many mods wouldn't have been lost on the way, and many modders wouldn't have been disgusted to the point of quitting modding ...
Hopefully, apart from DT's patches, there would only be one community, gathered around a unique modded version of our beloved sim, made of all that could be extracted from non cooperative DT (+ of course all the modders mods), and not like it was the case, several packs that are not compatible with the other site's one, not to say a word about inter sites wars ...
The recent release of FM's Sunderland + cooperation of SAS modders, is the perfect example of what can be achieved when forces and talent work together ...