That looks great CzechTexan.
Lowering the models height was a good decision to use them. If you need the 2 object rulers I
have in my game, I can always send them to you for you to measure heights in the game to
set up the static-objects. But it seems you already figured out the best bridge height of -5.40.
As for that bridge which cars cannot cross over and you want to use, that will need a 3d-model
expert to look into the main 3-d model and remove the boxed areas.
It is like some hangars. Some of them are "hollow and empty" on the inside and airplanes can
fly into them and come out the other side, but some hangars have "hit-boxes" all around the
walls (even with their doors open) and nothing can fly or drive into them. - but you can
place static-models and static-airplanes inside them.
So my suggestion is to place all the files of this bridge-model into a folder and send them to
a 3d-model creator to make it possible for cars to cross them.
I am sorry, I dont have 3d-Max or a 3d-model program, so I am unable to touch them.
But there are train bridges in which car models can cross over them. Maybe if you choose them and
paint them with a diferent skin , with a normal road for cars, you can use them.
I have noticed that we have numerous bridge models in this game (I have painted many of them
already for my game) and some are "Duplicates" which use the same model, but have diferent skins painted
on them.
Some are already preprared to be used for cars and trains to cross them, while other bridge-models
have these "invisible hit-boxes" which do not allow things to cross them.
The tricky part now is to discover which bridge models can be used to cross the river.
This will take some testing, but I am sure there is a bridge model like the one you want that
is able to make cars cross it.
There are over 50+ models of bridges in this game (maybe more) so it will take time to
test them all.
I suggest to use that wood bridge which you have the tanks crossing. It looks nice.
If you need a steel bridge with a alphalt road, just paint a new skin for it.