Dear IL2 fans,
for your enjoyment, another little bit of the S.Pacific.
"Lord Howe Island, or: texturing in the vertical plane" [ver1.0]
get it at: run:
a) copy folder "_Tex" and folder "Lord_Howe_Island" into your MAPS folder.
b) place this line in your all.ini file:
Lord_Howe_Island Lord_Howe_Island/load.ini
Apologies :- this island has no military history to speak of.
But very beautiful, nonetheless. See Read Me included.
Technical notes:
1) this map built on a lap-top running modded Il2 in the 4.09 Version only
[with SAS Modact 2.3].
So: this map has not been tested on any other version of Il2 .
2) all non-stock map textures are 1024x1024, and are all included here, some with bump files.
3) some of these non-stock textures were also used in my Gilf-Kebir map.
They were greatly improved for that map by 242Sqn_CAT. His assistance there is acknowledged.
4) New textures were made with GIMP ver2.6 and IL2 Map Maker ver 4.09 [links via,33463.0.html]
5) thanks to Natalie Tapson for the Ball's Pyramid photo, available via 6) the usual caveats apply:
This map is made available for non-commercial & non-profit use only.
Neither this map nor any of its components can be sold, hired, or in any way used to generate any monetary return of
any nature. Any reference to this map or its components must include due acknowledgment of its author
plus any other contributors to its construction, including those mentioned above.
Thanks to the Il2 modding community for making this fabulous flight sim live on - still !!
Happy boating!