I fully agree with what you say, indeed it has been said here many, many, many times before.
The problem is just the sheer size of the task you have laid out in your request....
With the huge number of aircraft in the game now, as well as the different "standards" that the original models were subjected to, it would indeed be a huge task. There are also a large number of Frankenplanes available which when hit do any number of odd conversions ....
(although I guess all mods are actually frankenplanes to some degree or other )I am not adopting the moral high ground here, my first efforts were simple hier conversions ....
in the early days it was considered to be the norm, but we all start somewhere. Not everyone is a 3d master from day one ......
There are a lot of non-modders (and some modders for that matter
) who perhaps don't understand the complexity of the physical 3d requirements to integrate an acceptable - and fully playable - aircraft, ship, etc into the game.
I will probably upset the coding gurus here but IM
, although their "behind the scenes" improvements deserve the highest respect, the 3d work is not just "eye candy". A
good 3d model and all of the LODs etc will take
many hundreds of hours longer to create than any well crafted piece of coding or accurate flight model.... and remember it is the visual appearance that draws players in. It is the shop window so to speak. Therefore damaged aircraft, etc must also
look good.
What I am saying here is that attempting to do all aircraft is just too big a task for our limited number of 3d guys. Some older models occasionally get a long overdue rework, but there are just too many to even begin to scratch the surface.
So ......... sad to say but I am afraid this request falls into the " too difficult" category ......
I am not qualified to comment on some of the recommended coding changes, however, when it comes to model creation, basing
new aircraft on already game compliant models is a good way to go forward. Creating a slot for a new single engine jet new model -using say the P-80- and replacing meshes "like for like" as the model is developed helps to ensure all of the required hit boxes, hooks, LODs etc are in place. There are enough "standard" types to be used for this approach. Intelligent use of higher poly modelling where necessary helps address the poly limits and well thought out LOD distances reduces the graphics load. At the end of the day it is down to individual effort..... and good practice.
"He who pays the piper, calls the tune"
so.. unless you want to
fund model creation ...... you could always pitch in and try to become part of the solution ......
ps .. I wish I had a $ for every time I have seen someone say," This is what we need .. and I would love to help of course, but I don't have the time" ....