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Author Topic: Time Compression Mod for all game versions  (Read 10414 times)

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Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:41:04 AM »

Dear SAS members & guests,

I know this has been done before, maybe better, maybe bigger, at least in a similar way...
However all the mods doing the same thing like this one does, appeared too "intrusive" to me for occasional usage, that's why I did this one.

This mod features just one purpose hence it changes one java class only.
This mod makes it possible to use enhanced time lapse and slow motion factors while playing offline or while playing recorded tracks.
By default you can use up to 1/32 - 265x compression settings.
Just use your default "time up/down" keys.

In contrast to other mods of this kind, this mod doesn't touch the "AircraftHotKeys" class.
Touching the "AircraftHotKeys" class is generally a bad idea since this class not only gets modified with each new "official" patch, it's also being modified by endless mods out in the wild, so creating another mod for this class means that you end up in the compatibility hell.
This mod in contrast touches the "HotKeyCmdEnv" class only, a class that never got modified by any "official" patch yet and, as far as known to the author of this mod, never got touched by any other mod either.

This mod is least intrusive thus compatible with any base game version from 4.09m through 4.13.1m.
Note the known issues from the readme however, and most of all make sure to read the readme!

Code: [Select]
           Time Compression Mod (enhanced Time Lapse / Slow Motion)



Extract this mod into the folder which holds the modded files in your game.
Depending on your game version this might be e.g. MODS, #SAS, #DBW, #UP# or
anything else.


This mod makes it possible to use enhanced time lapse and slow motion
factors while playing offline or while playing recorded tracks.
By default you can use up to 1/32 - 265x compression settings.
Just use your default "time up/down" keys.

If desired, you can change the default limits by applying settings to your
conf.ini accordingly:
timeMaxMultiplier = 256
timeMaxDivider = 32

The values shown above are default values, they apply
if no other values are set (no need to explicitely set them).
"timeMaxMultiplier" sets the maximum time lapse value, it
should be a powers of 2.
256 means that you can speed up the time lapse up to 256x.
"timeMaxDivider" sets the maximum slow motion divider, it
should be a powers of 2.
32 means that you can slow down the motion to 1/32.


About this mod:
In contrast to other mods of this kind, this mod doesn't touch the
"AircraftHotKeys" class.
Touching the "AircraftHotKeys" class is generally a bad idea since this
class not only gets modified with each new "official" patch, it's also
being modified by endless mods out in the wild, so creating another mod for
this class means that you end up in the compatibility hell.
This mod in contrast touches the "HotKeyCmdEnv" class only, a class that
never got modified by any "official" patch yet and, as far as known to the
author of this mod, never got touched by any other mod either.


Known Issues:
This mod has been made as little intrusive as possible. The only class
modified is the "HotKeyCmdEnv" base game class.
It's compatible with any base game version from 4.09m through 4.13.1m.
However naturally it is in conflict with other mods touching the
"HotKeyCmdEnv" class, even though the author knows of no such mod.

If you want to use this mod together with other conflicting mods
nevertheless, please make sure to rename this mod's folder accordingly,
e.g. to "### Time Compression" in order to ensure it's loaded before any
other mod touching the same class.



1C/Maddox for this beautiful game
SAS Team for continuous support and testing
TD for fucking up the game with every new patch




1.00: Initial Release


Other things worth reading:

If you want to file a bug report, please write

"I've read and understood the readme!"

somewhere in your bug report (literally, use copy & paste).
Otherwise I assume that you didn't read this readme and hence will not give
a damn for your bug report. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Download Link:
Time Compression Mod v1.00

This video demonstrates the usage of 256x time compression (attention: looks crazy ;) ):

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 10:15:14 AM »


Especially for long ntrks (Sunday Session ;)) this will be great!

..once you're down at 1/32 and see the tracers moving sooo sloooow one could think he's at the set of the 'Matrix' :P

Thank you very much, Mike :D
When all else fails: read the instructions!


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 12:29:45 PM »

I´ve been waiting for this so long .... Super needed mod!  :P
Congrats!  :)
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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2016, 01:20:27 PM »

Thank you, thank you, thank you Mike. Now I can fly some of the long Pacific campaigns without nodding off and killing my virtual self.


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2016, 02:18:57 PM »

Works as described.  Thanx Mike and cheers.
I am a moron.


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2016, 04:25:17 AM »

Hello Mike,

just tested successfully in 4.10 & DBW and with (UUP*) UP3RC4.

This mod is helpful too for the FAC mission builders!

Gubi has forgotten to write...: Wünderbaaar.  :D

Thank you very much!

Best regards, Gerhard  :)

* UUP = Ultimate Ultra Pack.  8)
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz

Peter Lynn

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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2016, 08:32:55 PM »

Thank you Mike, this looks very useful indeed!

Peter Lynn


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2016, 03:31:54 AM »

It's a much appreciated addition to IL2. Many thanks Mike.


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2016, 09:19:09 AM »

Thanks for this little but so punchy mod. Seldom I use time acceleration/deceleration, mainly for test purpose, but I think it'll be useful for these latter, even more given its virtual absence of inconveniences.

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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2016, 09:41:54 AM »

..once you're down at 1/32 and see the tracers moving sooo sloooow one could think he's at the set of the 'Matrix'

Like "Bullet time" in Max Payne.  ;D
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2016, 01:42:19 AM »

... been longing for such a mod for ages ...!  :P

... and the credits are so ... how shall I put this ...? ... rewarding ... :D


1C/Maddox for this beautiful game
SAS Team for continuous support and testing
TD for fucking up the game with every new patch

I recognized you in the Bf109 cockpit, Mike, white shirt and tie, so classy ...!  8)


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Re: Time Compression Mod for all game versions
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2016, 02:34:53 AM »

Very useful mod, thanks.
Back at the time of CFS3 time compression had a nice feature, when you got in contact with other AC (as far as I remember both enemy or friendly alike) the game got out of time compression, very useful for long sortie
It could be possible to have something like that in IL2?
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