DOWNLOAD: at,I highly recommend WxTech's re-do of the height map_H!'s a quick attempt at bringing the terrain into better height range for this distance-compressed map. It offers the feature of making the hills a bit less of an imposing obstacle for those airstrips close to them.
If you want to try it, you could first re-name the existing to, e.g., map_h_original. In any event, back it up first, unless you still have the archive from which to extract the map_h.
China edmap, on Flickr
Hello and welcome to the cztx_Hengyang MOD map.
Riptide_One did much of the populating of cities and towns with "Chinese-looking" objects. Thank you, Riptide_One! Unfortunately, he was unable to finish the project so I finished populating more of the smaller towns and villages.
Riptide_One used many objects that I did not previously have in my Modact setup. This prevented me from saving missions on this map. Fortunately, vpmedia's Modpack does have all the required objects. I recommend getting vpmedia's Modpack or the C.U.P. in order for this map to work.
VP ModPack:,50919.0.htmlC.U.P. (Community Universal Patch):,241.0.html***There is one new object that must be installed into your setup. It is the Small Plant Smoke Stack (Factory_01_chimney) which is in the downloaded 3do file. See the Readme file for Installation instructions.
If you have problems with low fps over the cities...Sgt Rock on M4T has made a lighter version of the map so that the cities are not so heavily populated and this allows for better fps over them. is the region of China where the Flying Tigers and 14th Air Force saw most of their action. The map is very mountainous and includes such famous places as Kweilin (present day Guilin), Lingling, Hengyang, Changsha, Chihkiang, and Canton. Some places may not be in their exact locations.
Some of the heights of the Map_H seem unreal but I did get the srtm's satellite data from agracier who was kind enough to help get me started. Thank you, agracier!
I did not know what many of the airfields looked like during the war so I had to use my imagination. I welcome anyone who would like to change the airfield textures if that would improve things (Just be sure not to change waypoints etc). Also included is an Airfield readme file with tips about each airfield. Takeoffs and Landings on some airfields may be tricky in the mountainous terrain.
Thank you to all the other modders who have helped during the WIP. The forum thread for the WIP, which includes more screenshots, is here:,33436.0.htmlThere are several good books about the air war in China and many about the Flying Tigers. Sharks Over China, about the 14th Air Force, is one of my favorites. You can also search online about the Japanese Ichi-go offensive during 1944-45 which captured many of the U.S. airfields in this mapped area. For mission builders, the Notes on Airfields file (in the download) will also help to know which airfields were U.S. or Japanese.
Hengyang2, on Flickr
Hengyang, on Flickr
Chihkiang, on Flickr
LingLing, on Flickr