A campaign much dedicated to the new Segfej's Hurricanes "Filter" and "Heavy Punch".
You may fly either a British career on September 1941 (Hurricane Mk.IIB), or a Russian one flying the above mentioned new breed for 78th IAP during 1942-43.
More historically accurated aircraft versions have been introduced, adding Bf 110F-2 and replacing Fw 190A-4 with A-3. Minor interesting details, like giving to 13.(Z)/JG5 the correct identification code and removing horizontal bar from Wuerger of 14.(Jabo)/JG5.
Included a little tweak to get the right sun elevation, barometric pressure and temperature on both summer and winter maps. About this latter, I'm having troubles getting water textures, and had often game freezing during missions (very few, indeed) on winter map. I think they're related to my installation, and especially to VPmedia reworked maps; if you should have same problems, try removing the "Mods" folder of my campaign pack. Otherwise give me feedback and I'll remove the few winter missions from the campaign.
Link for downloadHope you enjoy,