CUP-WAW#20 Compatibility Mod for DCG (by Moezilla and sniperton)
v1.0v1.1 -- updated + hotfix
Changelog v1.1b--- new weapons file added as a hotfix (fixes a bug that caused a pink plane issue)
Changelog v1.1 ---- fixed FW190G1 duplicate loadouts
---- fixed ME262A2NJ duplicate loadouts
---- fixed compatibility problem in TB3 loadouts (i.e. no need for Config-TORP JSGMEMOD any more)
---- fixed IL4-DB3T missing hooks in class file
---- added classes for B-17F and PBN-1 with new hooks by DreamK to fix compatibility between mines and torps mods in WAW.
---- fixed several small errors in cod files which were affecting empty loadouts and some non-empty loadouts (e.g. 1xTorpedo_45_36_AV_A for IL4-DB3T)
---- added missing sounds and presets for PWS-26 which was causing game to hang when this aircraft was selected.
---- now all loadout data in is based on internal game data
Why this mod, and what is it good for?First, you don’t need this mod if you don’t use DCG. Some planes in WAW do not comply with naming conventions established by the stock game and which DCG is expecting. These irregularities make DCG hang or let you create missions with lonely pink planes going on a sightseeing tour. One out of ten planes in WAW is affected in this way or another. This mod makes WAW fully compatible with DCG on the price that non-DCG missions which use any planes affected by this mod (ca. 110 planes) might be broken while this mod is enabled.
What does this mod do?The mod comes with a newly generated file (for the first time covering WAW’s full content) and ~120 class files adjusted to the effect that
– now we have all the planes with both a “default” and a “none” loadout (missing loadouts were added);
– now we have all the planes with standardized “default” and “none” loadouts (the Uppercase/lowercase problem was solved and irregular entries such as “empty” or “Empty” were converted to standardized ones);
– now we have all the planes with loadouts compatible with Il-2’s native format for localized content (removed were the spaces that formerly prevented Il-2 from using them properly);
– some weapons were absent from CUP-WAW#20 which prevented several planes from using their full loadouts; hopefully these will be integrated into an official WAW update.
- fixed some compatibility issues between weapons mods within WAW.
We estimate that there have been at least 3000 changes to the file that came with WAW (including the addition of nearly one thousand loadout configurations not available before). The new is >99.9% generated from game data and the final few tricky exceptions were handled manually. This means that we feel confident that a newly installed WAW20 with this mod added will be completely compatible with DCG in terms of armaments.
For a full list of changes please refer to our report file attached to the mod.
Download (v1.1 + hotfix) only (if you don't want to re-download the whole package): and activation[0. disable and delete the v1.0 folder if you already have one]
1. copy the <#WAW_DCG_compatibility_mod_v1.1> folder to the JSGMEMODS folder in your CUP-WAW#20 installation;
2. overwrite it with the hotfix;
3. activate through JSGME.exe.
The new fileThe original file included in WAW is neither complete, nor accurate. So first we analysed WAW’s class files and fixed several problems as outlined above. Then we extracted all relevant data and generated a new file with only the localized names taken from the old weapons file. The new file has all the planes available in WAW#20 with all their payload configurations. Loadouts not previously included are marked with an initial “$” sign in their localized name.
We’ve found several planes in the class files which are not to be found in WAW#20’s air.ini (and are not available in-game as a consequence). We included them for reference (marked as “# NoAirIni ...”), commenting out those which would surely conflict with existing types. Yet it's safer not to enable the rest either, since they may have been left out on purpose.
Disclaimer and recommendationsAll class, cod and 3do files included were created by others. Moezilla and sniperton claim no credit for their creation but only their modification for the purposes of compatibility with the third-party software, Paul Lowengrin's DCG. This mod was designed to be used primarily (but not exclusively) in conjunction with sniperton’s Data Integrity Tool for DCG, which is released separately (,51325.0.html) and which makes full use of the new file, also enabling you to import data from it to DCG.
If you have edited your CUP-WAW#20 installation with newer mod planes, then those planes will not be available in DCG without further editing of the weapons file included in this mod. If you should find a bug or strange behaviour then contact the authors through the SAS forum.
Credits1C:Maddox for creating Il-2 Sturmovik;
All modders and the community for keeping up the good work;
Paul Lowengrin for creating and maintaining DCG (;
Authorssniperton: original idea, parsing java files for irregularities (with special thanks to Moezilla for his guidance), creation;
Moezilla: java and cod editing, re-compiling and re-hashing, project maintenance.