Hello again guys, thankfully I have now found the conflicting mod that was causing the undercarriage issue.

Here she is now fully functioning in my main Modact 5.30 game:

The usual stuff such as jet war, utilities etc. were added into my spare game and the only issue was a lack of
certain weapons options that was cured by adding '01__Weapons_Me-410_v3b' to give me all the load outs.
From there it was a case of pick a mod and see what happens, in this instance I tried a Me 262 mod named
' _00000_Me-262' and the issue with my undercarriage appeared in my test game.
EDIT: This is actually the 'Messerscmitt Me-262A Ultimate Pack' with what appears to be another addition. 
These are the types in there:
Me-262A air.ME_262A 2 g01 SUMMER
Me-262V-3 air.ME_262V3 2 g01 SUMMER
Besides those there are folders for other types, possibly fixes for other aircraft in the game.
Once that mod was deactivated in my main install there were no more issues.

I do not know yet what item it is in the pack that causes the issue but at least I found it fairly quickly.
Hope this helps anyone else who is or has experienced the issue.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.