Most of the hooks work has been done - wakes, wires, catapults, shadows, parking and collisions. Apart from the arresting wires, none of them were easy. It seems as though all the wakes are interdependent and I think the parking areas have an effect on the catapults. The flightdeck collision mesh was studied on and off over two months and, among others I tried: simple rectangular boxes (which worked but were inaccurate), duplicates of the original decks, flat planes, copies of other carrier meshes and accurate regular meshes. To complete the job a compromise shape was created which works over all the flightdeck but is not strictly accurate because it adds two small extra areas near the bow where one can float in space.
Still finding normals pointing the wrong way as a result of the texture-fixing exercise - but they're getting really hard to find. Still adding twiddly bits here and there, taking care not to add too many polys.
Found BAT last week, installed it and am just going to concentrate on Nimitz being a part of it. CUP, DBW and others based on 4.12.2 should also be available to Nimitz.
Western is being really helpful on the Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing system that he developed which I'm trying to get onto Nimitz. I'll be working on the Phalanx and Sea Sparrow weapons soon as well.