Hi Mike,
some questions:
1) Since the release of the patch 216 I am testing 210 and 216. I have switched several times between my old installation of the basic patch UP3 RC4 and 216 (sometimes 210) and have the following problem: I only fly offline and already in the basic patch the support of the wingmen was low. Now, with the patch 216, the support of these crazy dogs are a catastrophy. Otherwise the bandit pilots are flying like Bud Anderson and are shooting like Hans-Joachim Marseille - even in the avarage- or rookie-skillmode.
This evening I made a instant mission with a Me 109 G 2 and 7 (!) allied Me 109 G 2 in Ace-mode against 4 Sea-Hurrican in Rookie-skill-mode (!!!!). I was shot down after 5 minutes by the both Hurricans left, which are flew like devils.
May be I´m not the best pilot (although I´m flying since the release of IL2 in 2002), but I have never experienced such a frustation in flight sim.
My question is: Is there any way to decrease the skill of the bandit pilots (or increase the skill of the allied ones - probably in the settings of a config-file)? Otherwise this patch 210/216 is not flyable for me with more than 1 or 2 enemy-pilots.
2) There are some Mod-packs which are new for me - especially Modact 6.4 and the BAT-Supermod. Is it possible to install these packs on the same SSD-drive in the same directory besides UP 3?
Would you recommend the change from UP 3 to BAT or should I better stay with UP 3?
Thank you in advance for your reply and your patience.
Have a nice flight night!