You have done a excellent job on the update CzechTexan, thank you very much greatly appreciated.
The detailing and additional textures have done a great deal to improve the map, I particularly like Dien Bien Phu.
I will let the users take a look at those firebases for themselves, the above is the AI joyriding on my behalf.
Just a few issues if I may, firstly you credit me with work done on fortifications which I am certain were not mine, most
likely Anatoli as he was forever sending me mission templates for the South Vietnam map and quite possibly this one
also, I forget now. He was the one with the talent and imagination to bring things to life on the maps.
Secondly, I can actually save missions on the map so I must have all the objects but seem to have a texture problem
in certain areas where there are groups of buildings like this one at Lang Son, do you have any idea please as to what
is wrong:
I never did get around to detailing that airfield and the near by town, it looks superb.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.