I am asking for a little help from our new members (and old fans) and in return I will
provide some nice goodies for your game in the gift of new static-objects to
make your landscapes and maps look even better.
That sounds good?
It´s very easy, you find me the model, and I do all the rest of the painting work.
What we now need for this game is "
Yes, That is correct - Wood and metal shipping+factory containers.
We do not have them, except some small to medium sized boxes and some boxes covered with
some big blankets.
http://www.transportation.army.mil/museum/transportation%20museum/CONEX.htmAs most of us have discovered in some of our maps, we have tried placing many trucks and cars in
a factory yard so it looks like a vehicle factory, but when looking closer, the wheels on them dissappear.
Some objects contain many parts and when many of them are placed together (+40) some parts
start to dissappear.
Same thing with other models - too many parts on them.
So what to do?
We replace some of them with large wooden containers for a WW2 scene and with metal containers for
a more modern scene.
So I would like to suggest for us all to use a simple BLOCK rectangular shaped model.
A very simple design, its a box,
but with a good skin painted on it, it can look like a large wood container or a large metal container.
This would be suitable to be placed in ALL ship ports, near all factories, and near train stations !
At the moment I am counting 9,000+ 3d-static models we already have in our game,
but I may be missing many others from my collection, so I am asking for
YOU to look into
your game static-objects and show me if you have any large containers in your game.
I could use them ! (if we dont have them, I will make some for us)
you can do something for me...
place a human model on the map and then look through your static-objects collection for
a 3d-model which would be a good candidate to be used as a
Large container Rectangular Box.
About the size of a truck or a car would be great.
That is why using a human figure model is a good thing, so we can compare object sizes next to each other.
It must not be a model which is too big (like a house)
or too small, but the just the right size for it to be a nice Box container.
Lets do some wood and metal containers !
Get this game looking even better.
DOWNLOAD ---Boxes and Mine mountains models ------------->
version 2 boxes