FOO FIGHTER ( popular nomenclature - official type and classification unobtainable)

ProposalA mod that takes newly created FooFighter Objects and FooFighterEncounter classes and makes them behave like the bulleted WP desc below. Pilot sound files will kick in and pilots will exclaim things like:"What the hell??", "Heeey, would you look at that"? " "Stay in formation - do not engage !!" and whatever else might be fun to hear... It is mostly a passive encounter. More a visual or fx type mod than a fight.
Firstly let's look at the witness reports as to what happened, rather than open a debate on what the hell they were. For the purposes of this mod we are only focussing on reported facts:
This is from Wikipedia<>The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange
<>They seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing.
<>Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior
<>They could not be outmaneuvered or shot down
<>As with the European foo fighters, no aircraft was reported as having been attacked by a "ball of fire"
My experience with OOP is limited so please excuse any funnies..
FooFighter ClassColours
Shape Type
Glow intensity
Collision detection params
FooFighter Encounter ClassDuration of Encounter
Number of Foos (max 4 or 6)
Trails / no trails
Behaviour Type (random movements or formation)
Some Mesh examples

The Foo FighterMod could be manipulated via FMB<> The mod works only during 'passive' points in the mission, ie after take off and before enemies/ground targets are engaged. It may add a bit of spice to long missions.
<> If 1/2x, 2x, 4x, 8x modes are engaged at the time of an encounter, game switches to normal speed
<> These Foos should GLOW, and cast their glow on surrounding aircraft. From inside the cockpit as they zip past the cockpit is flushed with their glow.
<> They are passive, they do not fire, but shooting one causes it to break up in an asteroids type way. (not sure about this)
<> The Foos do not collide with aircraft but circumnavigate them the same way in a terrain following fashion
I eagerly await your comments.