Not teasing anymore, here is the "Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool" v0.01.
Download Link:
Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool v0.01READ THE README!
You will want to take special attention of he "Usage" paragraph, in particular the enhanced "SHOW" command and the new "LOGEXT" command.
Use Excel,
Plotly or something similar to create line graphs from the logged data.
Enhanced FPS Command Mod & Logging Tool
Extract this mod into the folder which holds the modded files in your game.
Depending on your game version this might be e.g. MODS, #SAS, #DBW, #UP# or
anything else.
This mod uses enhanced "fps" command line commands.
You can either enter these commands on the game's console directly
(use shift+tab to toggle the game console) or edit the file "rcu" (without
file extension) in your IL-2 gamefolder (create the file if it doesn't
Commands are CASE SENSITIVE!
Valid fps commands from stock IL-2 are:
fps START - Starts calculating the framerates
fps STOP - Stops calculating the framerates
fps SHOW - Shows calculated framerates
fsp HIDE - Stops showing calculated framerates
fps LOG [0/1] - Disableds (0) / Enables (1) logging of calculated
framerates to the standard game logfile (log.lst)
fps PERF - Checks audio related performance
The commands can be combined, e.g. in order to start showing the
framerates without logging them to log.lst, you can enter this on the
game's console:
When you use the "rcu" file, you have to add "@" in front of the command
to avoid log repitition.
The same command in "rcu" file would therefore be:
This mod enhances the above mentioned commands like this:
fps SHOW [n] - Shows calculated framerates, resetting the "recent"
framerates after n milliseconds.
If n is omitted, a default of 10000 milliseconds
(=10 Seconds) applies for resetting "recent" values.
fps LOGEXT [0/1 [n]] - Disableds (0) / Enables (1) logging of FPS values
in comma separated value (.csv) format.
There'll be one csv file per mission.
"n" sets an optional period (in milliseconds) for
.csv logging, if omitted it defaults to 250ms.
The commands can be combined, e.g. in order to start showing the
framerates without logging them to log.lst but with logging them to csv
files, you can enter this on the game's console:
or add this line to your "rcu" file:
Known Issues:
This mod has been made as little intrusive as possible. The only class
modified is the "CmdFPS" base game class.
It's compatible with any base game version from 4.09m through 4.13.2m.
However naturally it is in conflict with other mods touching the "CmdFPS"
class, even though none is known to the author of this mod at the time of
writing this readme. This mod is not meant to replace such mods.
If you want to use this mod together with other conflicting mods
nevertheless, please make sure to rename this mod's folder accordingly,
e.g. to "### CmdFPS Enhanced" in order to ensure it's loaded before any
other mod touching the same classes.
1C/Maddox for this beautiful game
SAS Team for continuous support and testing
TD for fucking up the game with every new patch
Jim for his tremendous opportunism and indifference
Ton414 for nothing
0.01: Initial WIP Release
Other things worth reading:
If you want to file a bug report, please write
"I've read and understood the readme!"
somewhere in your bug report (literally, use copy & paste).
Otherwise I assume that you didn't read this readme and hence will not give
a damn for your bug report. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Just teasing for the moment.I'm about to create a simple "pop in" style mod which gives a slighty better report about FPS ingame (e.g. with min/avg/max FPS automatically resetting after a given amount of time) and with the ability to log FPS to a file.
This can then be used to generate FPS plots, e.g. this one has been created using a WIP version of this mod on "The Black Death" track:

One thing I learned already from logging FPS (in the above shown image, FPS have been logged every 250ms while playing "The Black Death" track) is that the famous "The Black Death" track isn't always all that prone to specific graphics settings.
For instance, I've massively changed the Anti Aliasing settings and re-ran the test, just to see that the result was virtually identical:

More to come, stay tuned...
Best regards - Mike