RangoonTitle by
CzechTexan, on Flickr
Fly with the American Volunteer Group "FLying Tigers" to help the British Commonwealth forces control Burma and protect the Burma Road to China.
The campaign has been updated for use in IL-2 1946 412.2 or above.
There are two extra missions added to this update which makes a total of 26 missions.
You will fly the Hawk81A-2 for all three squadrons -
"(1st, white stripe) Adam and Eves"
"(2nd, blue stripe) Panda Bears"
"(3rd, red stripe) Hell's Angels"
Before each mission, look at the "arming" screen to see which squadron you will be in and then pick an appropriate skin for that squadron.
Note: The "Leaping Tiger with wings" decals on the sides of fuselages were not available until March 1942. This campaign ends in March so, if you want to get technical, choose a skin without the Leaping Tiger.
*Must have cztx_BurmaLower_1942 MOD map (updated August 20, 2016).
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31616.0.html *Must have Ki-51 Sonia airplane MOD.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40537.0.html *Must have the Ki-48 airplane MOD.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44909.0.html ----------------------------------------
Put the "FlyingTigers_Rangoon" folder into your US campaign folder. (Delete any old files).
Put the included skins into their particular folders.
Hawk81-A2 skins by Leadspitter.
CzechTexan used the Leadspitter template to make LS-cz-AVG-Tigers-nn2nd / -nn3rd skins.
Ki-27-Otsu skins by Sakai & Imme.
Ki-43I skins by Sakai & Imme.
Ki-21 skins by Sakai & Imme.
Ki-51 skin by Sakai!
HurricaneMkIIb skin by vpmedia.
Great thanks to all these skinners! It's a pleasure to use these skins!
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=2333
Leadspitter-cztx by
CzechTexan, on Flickr
Leadspitter-cz by
CzechTexan, on Flickr
2016.08.21 19-54-37 by
CzechTexan, on Flickr
2016.08.21 19-23-57 by
CzechTexan, on Flickr
2016.08.21 18-59-49 by
CzechTexan, on Flickr