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Author Topic: AI Mod  (Read 7805 times)

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Re: AI Mod
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2022, 02:37:43 AM »

...but all I can find is that in DBW they reduced the accuracy of the gunner positions on bombers or something.

Hello pognivet,

right here you can find the reason why I still (unfortunately too rarely) fly my ancient v4.10 & #DBW!

With v4.12, the red side's AI has been horribly mangled and unfairly tinkered with.

If you change the "difficulty" settings (blackouts/ redouts off, overheating off) and then always fly low against fighters or always attack bombers from above, v4.12 will also be fun for you again.

In v4.12, the AI quickly switches the optimal settings for attacks and pursuit to "suitable" - you don't stand a chance without adjusted settings!

So, now I'm looking forward to the reports that what I wrote here about v4.12 is not correct.

Sure, that's what the "red page pilots" always write...!

Make the right settings under "Difficulty" and keep having fun with our beloved IL-2 Sturmovik.

Nobody looks over your shoulder.  ;)    :D   

Best regard


FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: AI Mod
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2022, 12:32:48 PM »

Make the right settings under "Difficulty" and keep having fun with our beloved IL-2 Sturmovik.
the only setting that must be turned off in difficulty is the complex engine management as it was meant to be used in mp with player flight models only. a funny moment that i remember a while ago i was flying me262 against ai hurricane, i dived for a hit and run within 330km/h at full throttle i missed the shot and carried on just to see that hurricane was catching up with me and shot me down to pieces. this was in vp modpack but i think it applies to the game in general as the engine temperature degrades its performance in CEM  :P


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Re: AI Mod
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2024, 01:12:09 AM »

Hi there,

Anybody know how to deal with the "crazy rookie element wingman" thing...?

Another problem I have, no fighter go "on the deck" to get its prey....Why...?

I am on SAS/BAT 4.2

THx for all !!


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Re: AI Mod
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2025, 02:09:39 PM »

Luftwaffe bombers AI don't drop all the bombs. This is with modded 4.12.2. If they have a loadout with too many bombs they don't drop them all and return to base with whatever is left and drop what's left shortly before landing. This has been an issue for ages, it probably happens with every bomber AI tho.

There's also the issue with the AI getting into some sort of none engament mode sometimes. Especially when they are already trying to land. If an enemy fighter attacks they don't respond at all. They do maneuver a bit but nobody in the formation tries to fight back.

Any way to fix this?
My YouTube channel - https://goo.gl/6BYvMt


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Re: AI Mod
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2025, 12:54:43 AM »

I have been recently playing Korea war campaigns (F86 vs Mig15). The AI was terrible : dangerous sniper against but very bad flyers
Most kills I scored were "maneuver kills" : shoot 2 or 3 bullets so you hit the Mig and then maneuver until it crashes (because you hit the Mig, the kill counts for you), very frustrtaing.
I also remeber that when I used DGEN, battles were very bloody, which meant that after 2 or 3 missions, you were more or less the only survivor of your unit : bloody too
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