Hello pognivet
As far as I know, there are no AI mods to solve the issues you listed. In CUP, there are small individual mission tools to adjust the behavior of AI slightly, but these are mainly in the areas of Command and Control, avoiding stupidity on attack runs, etc.
I do concur with some of your thoughts on AI, they do have a few advantages in the way of difficulty settings that they seem to ignore. I dare anyone to try dogfighting a A6M3 on "Ace" with a P-39D-2 all difficulty settings enabled! Granted, the Zero is a better dogfighter, but still not an easy task let me tell you!
There is another way to even the odds somewhat however. As noob as it may sound, sometimes it is best to go without some of the difficulty settings on. Even the best of us turn some of them off. Stalls and spins I almost always turn off, as the stall characteristics for some planes are already more violent than real life in my opinion. Even Monty, the organizer of CUP, suggests turning off engine overheat when using planes with overkill overheating. Head shake from firing the guns is realistic in small aircraft to be sure, but in cockpit mode with limited visibility, it can be quite difficult to draw a bead on enemy planes with this enabled. And the list of unneeded/unnecessary settings could go on as far as you are willing to sacrifice realism. (Or perceived realism
) Of course you don't want to go around with everything on "Arcade" mode, unlimited ammo and such, but sometimes you must sacrifice a little realism, (or over-realism) to get a good experience out of IL-2.
What does everyone else think?