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Author Topic: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon  (Read 80186 times)

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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #144 on: December 26, 2018, 09:08:11 AM »

OK Dave, many thanks for info. I will do some tests and see what I like best.


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #145 on: January 14, 2019, 01:43:48 AM »

Hello, everyone. I need to open the edit 27DC3BB001752070 tool. I have the right Fw190 to fly over audio work BMW_801.prs


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #146 on: January 27, 2019, 11:04:49 AM »

Hi Dave

I am very happy to use your mod in my VPMODPACK and in HSFX installations ... Tiger flyby is a must in my opinion !

In my VPmodpack I installed it and it works together with PAL Visualmod 9.

In HSFX i have two questions:
a) I am not expert in mods ... when I activated SAS Mod Enable in JSMGE, that "greyed" the "HSFX History mod" (I already had a Mods folder before).

does that mean that i lost the History mod (i do not know what history mod do in HSFX) ?

and if I already had the Mods folder does that mean that i did not need to activate your "SAS Mod enable" ?

Can I deactivate it or tiger-flyby does not work without it?

b) I have a problem; if I install PAL Visualmod 9 (I already had you great mod installed) in JSMGE, IL2 does not start anymore ... if I remove your mod it works, but i want your mod for sure :-).

So I used classcheck and I see there is a class confict:
List of potentially conflicting classes
34FA5CFEEDC3BBD2 exists with :
   CRC -601a8338 :   .\!00_PAL-VisualMOD9\files\34FA5CFEEDC3BBD2

   CRC  5ae4c41 :   .\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\jsgmemods\DaveB Sound+Effects\MODS\!!!!00_DaveB_Flyby+Engine Effects\34FA5CFEEDC3BBD2

may you tell me what this class is responsible for in your mod ? would the tiger flyby work without it ?

thank you very much for your time and thank you for your mod


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #147 on: January 27, 2019, 03:41:16 PM »

You must do further study how mods are installed, eg their file structures. You cant activate the visual mod with jsgme in HSFX. The file structure is wrong and it would have to be corrected for jsgme to send it to the right locations. Again, if you are going to play with mods study and compare between your various modded games and see the differences.

In answer to your question the flyby wont work without that class file. With VPmod the flyby mod is above the visualmod in the list so that class file is
loading and the visualmod class is being ignored. I know you say the game works but theres most likely features written into the visualmod class you wont see,  I dont know what, you would have to ask the person who wrote it.

If you still insist on using both mods together in HSFX you need to put the visualmod folder into the mods folder (Dont Activate With JSGME!!!) and make sure it is loading after the flyby mod.

NB: Dont worry when in jsgme an activated mod greys out. It is still installed.
      Read my instructions regarding the MODS folder in HSFX and the wrapper cache file or changes you make wont take affect.



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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #148 on: January 29, 2019, 03:28:04 AM »

Thank you for your help DaveB

Now it works.



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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #149 on: February 02, 2019, 05:47:40 AM »

Hi Dave I have a question on HSFX installation with your mod.

When I add a new mod, I have to delete the wrapper.cache file, but I have one in "Mods" and another one in "Files"; i have to delete all of them right ?



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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #150 on: February 02, 2019, 01:38:25 PM »

HSFX can be finicky adding mods and I found that using the SAS mod enabler I supplied with my sound mod worked well. The il2fb.ini file supplied had the settings that ran well with my computer. These can be changed by any end user, and one of those is UseCachedFileLists=1. I believe that it assists with a faster startup of the game by loading the wrappercache file in your mods and files folder. This file is created once and does not get over written if changes are made in the mods or files folder, so in my experience if you add or change files in either of these folders the cache file must be re-written by deleting it.

So in answer to the question yes delete those files if changes are made. They get re-written to reflect your current mods and files content.



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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #151 on: February 08, 2019, 08:49:06 PM »


I am curious to know, how do you edit the Motorsound.class file? Is that somewhere in the buttons file, and if so, how do you open it?
Hey, get that inertia started!


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #152 on: February 16, 2019, 02:47:22 AM »

Hi, as I already posted weeks ago I am enjoying this awesome mod in hsfx and vpmodpack; they work fine, everything is OK, but I still have a question;

- in HSFX i activated the "HQflybys" too and as a result I only have the "!!!!00_DaveB_Flyby+Engine Effects" mod in MODS

- I have a doubt about the VPmodpack version; as i said it works fine but to better understand: I unzipped this file "Tiger_Flybys_VPmod.7z". Then I activated the "TigerFlybysHQ" too with JSMGE, so now i have a  "#00_Tiger Flyby's" folder in the main (above the #SAS" folder) and then another "#00_Tiger Flyby's" into the #SAS folder ... it that correct ? 
I noticed the the flyby sound of "SBD-3 1942" in hsfx and vpmodpack is different (hsfx seems better).

one last question: when i start the game with your mod i noticed in the Selector it says "4GB address space enabled", what does it mean ?

thank you again for this great mod  8)

best regards



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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #153 on: February 20, 2019, 02:46:12 AM »

still related to my post above, in vpmodpack i noticed SBD-3 and F4F-3 has the same flyby sound ... the same sound that F4F-3 has in hsfx; it seems to me that in the vpmodpack-version the SBD-3 has the wrong sound, associated to the F4F-3 motor

if that's the case, could you please correct it ? because SBD-3 is one of my favourite planes

thank you very much for your time and to give us a must-have mod :-)


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #154 on: February 21, 2019, 02:21:58 AM »

My v2.0 soundmod

VPmod, quick mission, 1xF4F3, 1xSBD3. Checked flyby, no issues?? Checked log, F4F=PrattWhitney_R-1830_Series.emd=p36flyby=h75_#.wav. SBD=Wright_Cyclone1820_Series=rad9flyby=rad9_#.wav
Rechecked entries in relevant class file. All good??

Repeat above in HSFX. Same results as above??

Checked my engine sound allocations in buttons and all seems fine.

No changes to my mod required

Cheers DaveB


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Re: VP Modpack Tiger Flybys addon
« Reply #155 on: February 21, 2019, 02:48:36 AM »

thank you for your answer

i was using the "first" version of the mod ... ok, now installed v.2 and everything fine; thank you for your help

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