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Author Topic: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage  (Read 4142 times)

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HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:17:02 AM »

I was always under the impression that the Buchons were never actually painted in camo, various models notwithstanding, but SAS itself proved me wrong with this header picture that quite clearly shows camouflage paint on an aircraft with Spanish markings.

I managed to find one other image of this same aircraft:

It's very difficult to tell what the exact colors are, but perhaps some of the still-probably-mostly-fictional models could provide some inspiration.

(I really love this green-and-brown camo and even though it's almost certainly fictional I'd love to see a skin of it anyway.)


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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2016, 03:09:05 AM »

Hey Katyusha,

The ''Mapi'' skin does exist, It's in all green though, which is how HarpaMafra55 found her, still I agree it would be nice to have a two tone green camo for it.

Here's the link for Mapi, and 2 others. They're very nice skins!

All the best!

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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2016, 07:27:57 PM »

I have the "Mapi" skin.  The aircraft in the first two pictures I posted is a completely different one.  I only posted pictures of Mapi to help fill the gaps, since the two pictures I could find are small and don't show the whole aircraft.


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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2016, 05:18:41 AM »


I actually am poking around and I can see that SOME actually did have camo applied. From the deep royal blues and silver finishes, they did have the odd green ones around. And a couple in the early 50's did have camo...before the single schemes were applied.

Here's how this version of Mapi looked....probably the only one to be on record of having 2 tone green camo...you've already got most of her up on your first post, It would be nice if we could have Mapi done in THAT scheme...

However looking into this plane's history she is quite famous. According to filmography she was retired in 1966, put on the heap, then recovered and starred in the 1968 air movie Battle of Britain , to note she was rebuilt to flying condition. Because by 1967 the Spanish Air Force retired most of their examples for Jets. The CASA 2.111's were still in service by 67 as Target Tugs. On Mapi's side, she survives today as a static exhibit in a museum, no idea where but at least she survives!

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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2016, 09:30:12 AM »

If that's Mapi I think that's the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo, Michigan


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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2016, 03:18:36 PM »

Unfortunately, no HA 1112 in Spanish service was ever green or in some sort of camo. This has long been debunked. A lot of the reason for this myth is that there are some color photos which show apparently green Buchones, which is due to two factors: 1) Bad/overexposed color film quality, as most in Spain was very, very basic at that time, and 2) The Buchón´s weathering. Buchón aircraft were painted with two schemes in service-the metallic and blue one, and the all-blue "Peugeot" one. Excessive weathering, maintenance, etc provoked the color of the all-blue ones to sometimes turn a grayish blue. Sometimes, crews would improvise on this and would touch up the paint in badly affected areas. The contrast of fresh, new paint and old, weathered paint made a camo impression.

Observe here. This is actually the "MAPI" aircraft. The pilot named this aircraft MAPI as a shorthand of María del Pilar, which was presumably his girl friend.
Here is an excellent photo of 71-5 with its fresh, authentic blue paint. http://www.aviationcorner.net/show_photo_en.asp?id=167833
C.4K-162, as seen in the photo, was in an air museum in Andalucía (I think) in the 70s before being bought by a foreigner some time in the early 80s. Its paint scheme was very obviously applied after it was removed from service. It could have been done to match it with the C-2111 in the background after its original paint wore off, which wore that same splinter scheme in the late 60s up until 1971-3 when they were retired.

So, the whole camouflaged Buchón myth has been promulgated by someone that saw the above photo of 71-5 at Gando and saw it as a camouflage scheme. This never was so.

Any skin based on it would definitely be nice and cool though, it is just that the camouflaged Buchón myth has been circulated so many times that many people seem to think that such a thing was true since so many modelers and artists have portrayed the HA 1112 71-5 and others with camo...

Here is a forum post with the exact banner picture and the exact same argument as here; http://www.network54.com/Forum/255364/thread/1269858267/last-1270371501/Ver+toda+la+serie
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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2016, 02:47:40 AM »

At least Hotel Alpha has corrected the mystery of whether the Buchon's had 2 tone schemes. But what about the current scheme she wears. the all over blue scheme? Did she have that or was she just pure green all over?
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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2016, 06:45:03 AM »

I wonder if anyone will make this?.....Because I think the Buchon deserves more skins than she has at the moment, Gerhard (Bomberkiller) and HarpaMafra55 did most of the skins in the past for her, and a couple other skinners made one off's of her.

I think THIS version of ''Mapi'' should be made. Who's in agreement? :D
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Re: HA-1112 Buchon in camouflage
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2016, 08:13:26 AM »

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