Infantry request. another request please.
would it be possible to transform ONE of the moving infantry we have available , a single moving infantry ai, to be placed in FMB whose sole purpose would be if it came within a certain distance from an enemy's position , it would fire a coloured flare of drop a coloured smoke where the enemy position is ? it would of cause mean it would have to march up very close, but it would be great as in jungle - tree covered areas if you stick a motor or machine gun or other stationary types within the trees , like they are hiding from the air, then when we fly over they would be 'marked' as this happened in close combat with close air/ground support .As we already have flares etc that can and do guide players and importantly AI could then attack where the markers are.
I reckon this would help make air/ground support missions a lot more immersive. and fun to look at. It would only need to be ONE moving infantry so you don't have a heap of flares going off causing all sorts of miss information.