
As you know i get some troubles with this map. Hard to repaint because Tunisia is really rich in terms of landscapes. North parts are back to the standard resolution, desert will remain at 2 and 4.
But changing in the north makes that now textures and patterns, mostly for cities doesn't match anymore so i have had to redo this again...

Anyway things are going sweet know. Desert parts are less sandy than MTO, more rock like you all can see on pics about tunisia deserts. Sandy parts are more in the south, far than the map represents. I have maybe 1 or 2 textures i can remove and turn it back to sand if you want, i know people liked MTO repains because of the sands effects.
This Oblongo's Tunisia map is going to be really complementary of fictitious MTO but as Flatspinman is using that one too for his new campain it's going to be fun

First pre-release video. Enjoy

And BTW if someone can help alexander it would be nice....i could but i don't remember or to change the clouds in UP...
"Redko do you know how to make the high clouds appear in the MTO_Light
stock map? Right now it just has a plain blue upper sky with the standard
lower cumulous style clouds, but would love to see the higher layers
(Clouds256/CloudsNoise tga) above them.