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Author Topic: Nakajima Kikka and Trainer- Own Slots  (Read 46335 times)

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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2016, 02:12:31 PM »

I'll have to make a plan to go check her out someday...   :)



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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2016, 07:42:18 PM »

Thanks !

Lone Wolf

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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2016, 12:11:00 AM »

Thanks again everyone  ;D

  Glad to hear that worked for you SAS~Skylla and you're very welcome  :)

That video is one of the reasons I decided to take on this project trent and be assured all the issues you mentioned are being worked on as we speak. Also CWatson has been working his wonders to make this aircraft that much better so plz bear with us while we make these amendments.

And a big BANZAI back atcha Max  :D

Lone Wolf
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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2016, 01:03:12 AM »

Good to hear Lone Wolf! When this beauty is fully operational I will put together a "what-if" campaign for her!  :)
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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2016, 01:44:31 AM »

That's great to hear! Thank you for all your effort to bring us this beauty, Lone Wolf and CWatson!  :)

Alfie Noakes

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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2016, 05:57:47 AM »

Many thanks Lone Wolf for this excellent a/c !
Question for our Japanese speaking members......how do you pronounce Kikka ?
Is it Kicker
or Kee ka
or neither of these  :D


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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #30 on: October 19, 2016, 06:26:16 AM »

Kikka = chrysanthemum

In german = Chrysantheme
FAC N° 9 ...cheers mein Schatz


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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2016, 11:12:49 AM »

The 3D looks fabulous.
I can hardly wait to fly this birdy with an original FM!

what kind of engines will it get? Ne-20, Ne-20Kai?


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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2016, 11:31:53 AM »

I just took a nice flight with it.
Very cool airplane!

What type of weapons and how many rounds?
 I just shoot a few bullets and I was out of ammo  o_O

The Fm seems alright, I guess. I think the original prototype only flew 2 times before the end of the war and
it needed a very long runway for takeoff.

So far the only problem I notice is that when taking off on "auto-pilot" the tail falls
a little bit too much into the ground and then it takes off.

All AI aircraft seem to fly just fine so far, they engage enemies and shoot well.
I will have to paint some gun holes into
these skins, because at the moment it has a solid nose.


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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2016, 12:40:04 PM »

Max, I looked at the class file. The FM is the Me-262 stock FM from buttons still. So nothing original yet. The Kikka should have less power and lift.
It actually only flew once and was damaged in a second aborted RATO attempt.

the guns are 20mm with 50 rounds each. 50 rounds per gun is what you find in most books as planned armament loadout.


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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2016, 03:09:55 PM »

Max, I looked at the class file. The FM is the Me-262 stock FM from buttons still. So nothing original yet.
The Kikka should have less power and lift.
It actually only flew once and was damaged in a second aborted RATO attempt.

the guns are 20mm with 50 rounds each. 50 rounds per gun is what you find in most books as
planned armament loadout.

Thanks for looking into it VampirePilot, at the moment I am at work and cant touch my game.
I will need to note some thing in the "weapons.ru" for this aircraft.

Today I was playing around with the skins and made them all into 1024x1024 size without
loosing any of the lines and details.
Was also able to tweak the main colors and create a few diferent colored versions.
But to create a nice all-metal looking aircraft I will need to create a skin-template from scratch.
I will do one when I have some free time off.

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Re: Nakajima Kikka- Own Slot
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2016, 04:19:25 PM »

The planned armament for the Kikka (Kitsuka) was mainly 2x 30mm Type 5 cannons (IJN Interceptor, fighter-bomber and Recce). There was a possibility of 2x 30mm Ho-155 cannons for the IJA or 2x 20mm Type 99 cannons for a special attack variant, but these two variants would have been the minority of Kikka airframes.
So, as far as armament was concerned, 2x 30mm Type 5 cannons was the main type of autocannon that was going to be used.
Bomb load was to be a choice of either 1x 250kg (special attack), 1x 500kg (special attack & fighter-bomber) or 1x 800kg bomb (fighter bomber).

IJN requirements for the Kikka were that the aircraft should be highly maneuverable with a tight turn radius. It should also be stable at high speed in order to ensure good target tracking. Wing tip slots were added to eliminate wing tip stalls at high AoA and high G maneuvers.

Pilot protection consisted of a 50mm bullet proof windshield and 12mm steel plate in front and behind the pilot. The fuel tanks were equipped with an automatic fire-extinguishing system.

An interesting feature of the Kikka was that its wings could be folded in order to hide the aircraft in caves and tunnels from bombing raids.

While the takeoff run might have been longer than that of Japanese piston engine aircraft, the Kikka actually required considerably less runway to take off and land than an Me-262. Remember, the Kikka is a lot lighter... almost half the weight of an Me-262.
This meant the Kikka had roughly the same thrust to weight ratio as an Me-262. The lighter overall weight would however make the Kikka much more maneuverable. The stall speed of the Kikka was considerably lower than that of the Me-262. 

Landing speed for the Kikka was also lower at only 148km/h, while in an Me-262 the landing approach is 250km/h with touch down at around 200 km/h. The Kikka's first test flight was conducted without any RATO. The Kikka's takeoff run required only 725m. By comparison an Me-262 requires 1,100m. With RATO the Kikka's takeoff run would be reduced to only 350m. After the test flight the Kikka required only 600m to come to a complete stop. An Me-262 by comparison required between 900-1,100m to come to a stop.

The Kikka's test flights were conducted using low quality fuel consisting of Pine-Root Distillate with 20-30% gasoline.
After the test flight the test pilot said the Ne-20 engines performed perfectly and that he had no recommendations on anything that needed to be improved. Post flight inspection also showed that the engines were in good condition.

The Ne-20 engine was roughly ¾ the size and weight of the BMW 003A. It was noted by a U.S. Navy report dated 1945, that the Japanese Ne-20 sacrificed none of the German engines good qualities, and would have performed similarly on an aircraft to BMW 003's.
The Kikka's Ne-20 engines had very good throttle response for a jet engine of that time, requiring just 11 seconds to spool up to maximum rpm (11,000rpm) after engine start. By comparison, the Me-262's Junkers Jumo engines required 40 seconds to spool up from idle to full throttle.

Performance estimates and requirements varied from variant to variant, the difference in performance being mainly due to the weapons load.
One requirement for instance was that the Ne-20 equipped Kikka should be able to fly all the way to its target at sea level at a speed of 620km/h with a 500kg bomb.
Range at maximum power at sea level with a 500kg bomb was to be at least 350km. Range at cruising speed was 792km.
Max continuous speed requirement at 6000m for the fighter-bomber, as well as the Ne-20 equipped two seat trainer and Ne-20 equipped recce was 721km/h.
Variants using the uprated Ne-20 Kai engines were projected to have a maximum continuous speed of 785 km/h at 6000m and a range or 843km.
Maximum speed estimate for the special attack variant was 888km/h at 10,000m.
Service ceiling was estimated at 12,300m (40,354ft).

Definitive versions of the Kikka Interceptor was to use the Ne-130 or Ne-330 engines, each developing 900kg or 1,300kg thrust respectively (1,984lb or 2,866lb).

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