I've installed this campaign and thanks to Old Dad can read the mission descriptions in English. However, I wonder about the title 'Kuban Bookcase'. Is that correct? Google Translate does indeed suggest 'Bookcase' for the second word along with other possibilities such as 'whatnot', 'stand' and 'rack'.
Maybe 'rack' is a clue. It occurs to me that the title might be a reference to the 'Kuban Stairs' tactic referred to in Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces "Soviet Lend-Lease Fighter Aces of World War 2" which covers the exploits of Pokryshkin during his time in the P-39. It says that during the summer of 1943 he perfected the "Kuban Stairs" tactic of having a strike flight fly at one altitude with a second flight further behind and above covering them, in case they were bounced. Then, there was a third flight staggered further back ready to bounce any aircraft that attacked the second flight. (This tiered arrangement of covering formations was similar to that employed on a large scale by both the British and the Germans in WW1).
Does anyone know definitively what the true translation is? It surely can't be 'Kuban Squirrel', as one of the suggestions (Kuban Bellochka) in this thread would have it!