OK, this is the last time I am going to write this al over again on how to install this if no one has read what I wrote before.
It is getting VERY tiring for me to have to repeat myself

I have installed this into the VP-Modpack which also uses the game version 4.12 - it is working good for my game.
As always , I suggest to read the instructions which come with each download, because it explains very easy how to install
these new mods. It is VERY EASY.
The way I got these airplanes to fly good in the VP-modpack is simple - but also a bit trick and you must
take your time to do it... slowly.
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS also as seen on that page -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20351.0.htmlIf you are using the VP-Modpack you will need
the version for game 4.12 ---------> Pack V 4.12.2 (ModAct 5.30)
...The link is on that page at the bottom.
DO NOT Use "Loadout Fixes by StefanSG" for the moment. These still need some fixing. You can use it later on
when you know better how to mod stuff.
PAY ATTENTION because this takes time and you need to MOD your game personally.
It seems like ALOT of trouble n work- but if you want everything to look better and work better, you do it.
First make a folder outside of your game and you will place into it ALL of the files you will be SAVING from your VP-Modpack.
Its a "Save-Safe" in case something goes wrong , you will have all the old files saved to place back !
You will be using the windows
NOTEPAD alot to copy and save stuff, so use it.
Go to your folder E:\MAX2015\__IL2_1946_412\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
COPY ALL The files you see and save them into your folder outside of your game.
Go to E:\MAX2015\__IL2_1946_412\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\i18n
and do the same. Copy ALL the files you see and save them !
Next, you are going again to open the files in E:\MAX2015\__IL2_1946_412\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
and you will see Air.ini ,
Stationary and
Technics - open each file and make a search using notepad
for Fw-190 and Ta-152
and when you see these names you are going to write into those files the names of the new airplanes.
I will put here my personal VP-Modpack list for you to use as an example (if you wish)
Fw-190A-2 air.FW_190A2 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-3 air.FW_190A3 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-3Sani air.FW_190A3SANI 2 NOIFNO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-3Sani1 air.FW_190A3SANI1 2 NOIFNO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-4 air.FW_190A4 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-4_1.42ATA air.FW_190A4142ATA 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-5 air.FW_190A5 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-5_1.42ATA air.FW_190A5142ATA 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-5_1.58ATA air.FW_190A5158ATA 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-5165ATA air.FW_190A5165ATA 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-5U14 air.FW_190A5U14 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-6orig air.FW_190A6RLP 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-6 air.FW_190A6 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-6R8 air.FW_190A6LULU 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-7 air.FW_190A7 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-8 air.FW_190A8 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-8_1.65ATA air.FW_190A8165ATA 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-8R11 air.FW_190A8R11 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-9 air.FW_190A9 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190A-9_1.65ATA air.FW_190A9165ATA 2 g01 SUMMER
FW_190D9orig air.FW_190D9RLP 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-9_Early air.FW190D9early 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-9 air.FW_190D9 2 g01 SUMMER
FW-190D-9R5 air.FW190D9r5 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
FW_190D-9L_orig air.FW_190D92 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-9_Late air.FW_190D9LATE 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-11 air.FW_190D11 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-13 air.FW_190D13 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-14Proto air.FW_190D14Proto 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-14 air.FW_190D14 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190D-15 air.FW_190D15 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-1 air.FW_190F1 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-2 air.FW_190F2 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-3 air.FW_190F3 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-8 air.FW_190F8 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-8/PB air.FW_190F8PB 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-8_Late air.FW_190F8LATE 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-8U1 air.FW_190F8U1 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-9 air.FW_190F9 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190F-9/PB air.FW_190F9PB 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190G-1 air.FW_190G1 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190G-2 air.FW_190G2 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190G-3 air.FW_190G3 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190G-8 air.FW_190G8 2 g01 SUMMER
Ta-152B air.TA_152B 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ta-152C air.TA_152C 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ta-152C0 air.TA_152C0 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ta-152C1 air.TA_152C1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ta-152C3 air.TA_152C3 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ta-152H-0 air.TA_152H 2 g01 SUMMER
Ta-152H-1 air.TA_152H1 2 g01 SUMMER
Fw-190A-8Mistel air.FW_190A8MSTL 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Now for the technics and stationary ini files you must open and look at those files and search where each
of the old airplanes are written down. Place the new versions into them. As seen in the package you downloaded of the Fw-190 series.
NEXT go to your Weapons. ru files
in the folder... E:\MAX2015\__IL2_1946_412\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\STD\i18n
Copy what you see on the files from the download pack and paste them using notepad into this weapons file.
I suggest placing them next to the old airplane entries.
IF You take your time like I did, SO THINGS WILL WORK BETTER, place all of these new entries into each files in
alphabetical order (as seen in the Air.ini - as posted above) and you will have them working perfectly. TAKE YOUR TIME and
place them correctly

~In your VP-Modpack inside the folder #SAS you are going to make a new folder named
#00_Fw-190_FamilyPack_412inside this folder put all your New airplane from the Claymore pack.
This folder named
#00_Fw-190_FamilyPack_412 MUST come below 2 other IMPORTANT folders for PA_Jeronimo´s better fixes for
wheels and cowlings.
I named these 2 new mod folders with the names...
Inside each of these folders you will place into them the following MOD_Fixes you need ! This is IMPORTANT.
Your new and old Fw-190 and Ta-152 series NEED these extra fixes !
#00_3dFix_CowlingsEnginesProps_412 -- download here --https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.0.html
#00_3dFix_Mod_Wheels_412 -- download here --
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34533.0.htmlIn this download you need to downlad the Focke wulf fixes seperately , or do like everyone has been doing and
download ALL of the airplane fixes and put these mod-wheel-fixes into this folder I named #00_3dFix_Mod_Wheels_412
When this is done...
... make another special download -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,51272.0.htmlDownload my recent retextures as in my post and place them into the 2 PA_Jeronimos folders as you see them.
This will upgrade your new wheels to an even better detailed look. Trust me, you will like to see what I have done for
all of these new Fw-190 series. You may overwrite all the fles inside the PA_Jeronimos folder with my versions.
Just overwrite and you will be ok.
NEXT step and NOT to be missed is to go to
E:\MAX2015\__IL2_1946_412\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
and look for a folder named SAS_SFS
Place inside this folder the 2 files you see named...
and there should be an extra files inside named sas_ai_3do01.sfs
AND then go to In SAS Modact 3.x, the .rc file is in #SAS\STD\.rc
and open the file named you see which is the .rc file and
at the very bottom write into it
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/fb410_clay02.sfs
if you wish to add more skins for each airplane, you will need to go into the Paintshees SKINS section and
write the same name you on teh Air.ini for a new skin folder for each individual airplane.
It is the FIRST words+letters you see on teh air.ini
Fw-190A-2 air.FW_190A2 2 g01 SUMMER
the skin folder is named... Fw-190A-2
Once this is done.
RE-start your pc. wait until it starts up again and reads the files properly and then start your game.
If all of the steps taken as I have writen above, have been done, you should be flying with
all of this huge collection of Fw-190 and ta-152 series !
ONLY on 3 airplanes you will see the pilot sitting sideways, but this is an error in the files and
need to be corrected by copying the same written lines from other files of other aircraft of the same type
and re-writing them into the problemed versions with pilots sitting wrong.
ALL of these airplanes should also appear on your stationary airplane drop-down menu list when you are looking at a
map and place an airplane on it.
You can place ALL of the airplanes on the map and look at them
without a pilot inside (because they are parked) and you can see the details and fixes on them better.
I inspected each individual airplane one by one when I painted the skins for them and retectured the
new wheels for each aircraft. All of them now have diferent wheels and diferent wear and dirt on them
according to each version and if they were used more often on a dirt runway or on a cement runway.
These wheel+ rims skins can also be exchanged for others if you wish. It all depends on how much dirt you
may want to see on them, or if you just want to see very clean wheels on them.
That is it.
I am not going to explain again on how to install these airplanes.