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Author Topic: Me-262 A-1A scissor gear removal and cockpit remodelling request  (Read 1430 times)

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Me-262 A-1A scissor gear removal and cockpit remodelling request
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:06:47 PM »

Good afternoon,

I was wondering if someone would be able to remodel the Me-262 A-1A cockpit as shown in the images below and to remove the scissor gear. This, in fact, was the more common setup rather than what IL-2 depicts, so it would be more representative of what most 262s looked like. For starters, it would be nice to delete the scissor assembly on the nose, as only early production models had them. Also, if someone could remodel the cockpit to be more representative of what is in the images, as I will describe, that would be awesome:

Oxygen distributor on the left side removed and replaced with just the oxygen hose, the R4M rocket selector panel replaced with a bomb selector switch (this would be nice for the A-1A variant), cockpit decking as shown in the images provided on both the inside and outside, and to have the armored headrest removed. It would be great for visibility in dogfights. If someone could model it this way, that would be awesome. This setup would make the IL-2 1946 Me-262 A-1A variant a lot more fun.





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