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Author Topic: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)  (Read 15377 times)

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Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« on: May 03, 2010, 12:15:40 PM »

I somehow can't start any new topics, so i post this here:
(edit by Gerax: spiltted and made new topic)

Here it is. My Kt_Syvari map!(Beta Version)
I have been working with this map more or less over 6 months. It has been a great journey through Finnish/Russian History. The map is not 1:1 scale. In real it would be bigger than the default Finsgulf map.
I tried to use Astergem satellitedata, but it was too difficult (at least for me) to parse those small maps to gether without any glitches or other errors. Satellitedata was propably taken in winter, because there were no lakes or rivers.
 So i decited to do a smaller, but much detailed map instead, using Googlemaps as a reference. My aim was to capture the different landscapes in Finland and Russian side of Karelia.
Whereas Finland is part of Western world, East Karelia was and still is complitely different. Villages there are made of logs and so...Little bit like USA vs. Mexico, if you know what i mean..
I also tried to capture the feeling of Eat Karelian wilderness and Smooth agriculture terrain of western parts of map.
I will also provide DCG campaigns with this map. At the moment everything is at beta stage, so please report, if you find any big errors.
Airfields are fictious. I just copy/pasted some very basic default airfields. At least they work.
Only Nurmoila airfield is detailed with some buildings. Other airfields can be decorated by missionmakers.
BTW. This map is no good for Big bombers, like B-29 or so. Only Solomanni and Joensuu airfields are suitable for  bombers.
During ww2, Finns had Blenheims and Ju 88:s  and Dorniers. Russians used Pe-2:s, SB:s and IL2:s.
There were German Luftwaffe opearing at Mensuvaara airfield with Me 109:s and maybe with Stuka:s . East Karelia was not the main Theatre Of War and Russians didn't bring the best fighters there. Main Fighter was I-16 or 1-15 and P-40+Hurricane. Reconnaiseplanes were usually U-2:s.Finns used Also 2:nd line fighters like Fokkers and even Gladiators. And Hurricanes (IIRC). Mainly FAF did use Moranes and CU:s. Reconnaisemission were done with Westland Lysanders. I hope that some talented mosdder will do that plane too some of these days...
There are some roads and railroads that are based to books and Internet sources.
Because this map is made specially for my DGC campaigns, i hope that you download them aswell when they are ready and give comments and suggestions how to improve them.
I will edit those campaigns with newsbriefs and with right planesets. I ordered some great books from FAF history, but they haven't come yet.
This map is tested with my versions of HSFX and UP 2.0 and UP 2.01 versions. I have only used default textures and objects that are included already with these modpacks

There is still lot's to do, but here you go. Enjoy and happy landings! :D

Exctract to temporary folder and copy/paste whole Kt_syvari folder to \Ubisoft_UP\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MapMods\maps
Add these lines to all.ini text file (you find it at \MODS\MapMods\maps):[/size]

Kt_syvari_winter   Kt_syvari/load_w.ini
Kt_syvari_winter_hard   Kt_syvari/load_wh.ini
Kt_syvari      Kt_syvari/load.ini

Kt_syvari is summer map. Other two are winter maps. Winter hard comes with frozen water and one extra airfield.




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Re: Kt_Syvari map(Beta)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 08:20:06 AM »

Here it is. My Kt_Syvari map!
First OfficiaL (lol) VERSION 0.9. I have corrected few bugs and altered Nurmoila airfield to it's RL position. I have also made 3 DCG campaigns for this map and they are available at Mission4Today soon or right now at AAA missions/campaigns section
Drop the whole Kt_syvari folder to your IL1946/MODS/Mapmods/Maps/ folder
add these lines to all.ini file. (Open it with notepad ). Easiest way to do is just copy/paste from here:

Kt_syvari_winter      Kt_syvari/load_w.ini
Kt_syvari_winter_hard   Kt_syvari/load_wh.ini
Kt_syvari      Kt_syvari/load.ini

This map works with HSFX 4.1 If you can't load the summer map, you are propably missing Compans textures. They can be found at AAA website(www.allaircraftarcade.com). Use search function for Compans textures.




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Re: Kt_Syvari map(Beta)
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 12:19:06 PM »

Small update:
New version is coming soon.
I have made excellent settings without weird textureproblems. I added 3 fictious seaplanebases for Gladiators and other Floatplanes (Love them)
New village templates are at use.
And some other minor bugs corrected.
Needs a bit testing, tho


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Re: Kt_Syvari map(Beta)
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2010, 10:59:14 AM »

Here it is. My Kt_Syvari map!
I have been working with this map more or less over 6 months. It has been a great journey through Finnish/Russian History. The map is not 1:1 scale. In real it would be bigger than the default Finsgulf map.
I tried to use Astergem satellitedata, but it was too difficult (at least for me) to parse thos small maps to gether without any glitches or other errors. Satellitedata was propably taken in winter, because there were no lakes or rivers.
 So i decited to do a smaller, but much detailed map instead, using Googlemaps as a reference. My aim was to capture the different landscapes in Finland and Russian side of Karelia.
Whereas Finland is part of Western world, East Karelia was and still is complitely different. Villages there are made of logs and so...I also tried to capture the feeling of East Karelian wilderness and Smooth agriculture terrain of western parts of map.
I will also provide DCG campaigns with this map. At the moment everything is at beta stage, so please report, if you find any big errors.
Airfields are fictious. I just copy/pasted some very basic default airfields. At least they work.
Only Nurmoila airfield is detailed with some buildings. Other airfields can be decorated by missionmakers.
There are some roads and railroads that are based to books and Internet sources.
Because this map is made specially for my DGC campaigns, i hope that you download them aswell when they are ready and give comments and suggestions how to improve them.
I will edit those campaigns with news and with right planesets. I ordered some great books from FAF history, but they haven't come yet.

There is still lot's to do, but here you go. Enjoy and happy landings
Drop the whole Kt_syvari folder to your IL1946/MODS/Mapmods/Maps/ folder
add these lines to all.ini file. (Open it with notepad ). Easiest way to do is just copy/paste from here:

Kt_syvari_winter      Kt_syvari/load_w.ini
Kt_syvari_winter_hard   Kt_syvari/load_wh.ini
Kt_syvari      Kt_syvari/load.ini

This map works with HSFX 4.1 and UP 2.0. If you can't load the summer map, you are propably missing Compans textures. They can be found at AAA website(www.allaircraftarcade.com). Use search function for Compans textures.

Version 1.0
Map works now also with excellent settings.
Corrected airfielfds. Thanks to Jami, they are now at right places.
I also retextured terrain, so it it looks better from above.
No more objects at water
Many other bugs corrrected....
My DCG campaigns still works, but you'll find that russian partisans (querrillas) have captured some areas or even airfiled. Hahaha.
I will update those campaigns ASAP too!
Happy landindgs!



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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 11:40:59 AM »

The map is absolutely gorgeous Kapteeni, the amount of detail you add to your maps is truly outstanding.

Thank you very much for another masterpiece.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. :)


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 11:41:50 AM »

Where did you get that skin, me want's?


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2010, 01:45:46 PM »

Hello kapteeni you will find my skins and campaigns for Finland at M4T but here is the link to the DB skin pack.  I used the void for the DB-3b because it more resembled the aircraft used by Finland than the sim DB-3M.


Wishing you all the very besy, Pete. ;D


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 10:48:31 AM »

Hello kapteeni you will find my skins and campaigns for Finland at M4T but here is the link to the DB skin pack.  I used the void for the DB-3b because it more resembled the aircraft used by Finland than the sim DB-3M.


Wishing you all the very besy, Pete. ;D

Cool! Thank's again.Downloading now
I will upload new version of my DCG campaigns for this map within 2 weeks, be sure...


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2010, 05:54:00 AM »

I work only with SAS Mod so i try to find Compans textures necessary for your map, what is the correct package of Compans textures for it.
Thanks for any information.


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2010, 01:09:32 PM »

I'm not at home ATM, but i will upload those textures. But if someone elese nows the direct link, it would be most usefull.


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2011, 01:46:47 PM »

Hi, I copied these textures into my mapmods/maps/_tex/land/summer folder and still can't get the summer map to load. Is that correct ???
I'm running HSFX4.11 The winter and hard winter maps seem fine.
I had a look through the paths in the load.ini file for the textures and see quite a few don't match up but I have to admit I don't know how it all works as the texture paths in the load_w.ini don't tie in with any textures either ( for example I don't have a land/winter folder which it refers to )
I done a quick fix and got the winter map loading when the campaigns I have calls the summer one, but i'd like it working as designed.


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Re: Kt_Syvari map 1.0(see last post)
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2013, 05:57:31 AM »

Gentleman, has someone of you get this map to work under 4.11/HSFX6?

I´ve downloaded the nedded "Compans textures" and put it in mapmods/maps/_tex/land/summer,but the Summer version of this map won´t load.I´ll get a landscape/load.error.The winter version runs fine.The static ini. checker reports no errors.

Please,any help or advice is welcome.I need the map for a Finnish DCG "experiment"


Edit: Here´s the log.from the Java console:

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