Great work you and your team did here monty, everything is working fine except one thing, the LEO-451 by Ranwers crashes my game when ever it is engaged by another aircraft when I am controlling it. Any thing that could be causing it?
Leo-451 - No lockup or CTD issues on a clean #WAW. I set up several attacks using improvised FMB missions.

It was not difficult to get shot down in the 451, even fighting hard from all stations and weaving like a beserker. I pride myself in some sim-pilot skill but this is one of the easiest planes to get killed in that I have ever flown!

Checking the Leo-451 thread in greater detail I did discover that resident 412 guru Stefan_SG has fixed the bombsight! I also found some pink bombs, very old French 10Kgs, that had been over-looked from previously.

This very useful checkride and maintenance trip therefore resulted in two important upgrades for the Leo-451 although I could not replicate the issue you described or generate any type of lockup or CTD. These days its very hard to break CUP at all!

If the lockup is happening, for you, during a campaign mission it may be due to other objects. An out of date C&C reference comes to mind. If you could post, send me, or refer the source of the missions I would be happy to take a look and correct them for the latest version of CUP. Otherwise-remember to post the relevant section of your logfile when seeking specific answers to CTDs.

Meanwhile we are able to offer this Leo-451 Update. Since this addon is the most recently assembled CUP item I suggest that is installed onto a clean #WAW after installation of everything else. - That's #WAW Part-22, SAS-MME Part-15A&B and SAS-MME Part-16 - THEN drop this little addon into your Il2 directory and overwrite for the new improved Leo-451.
Thanks again to Sakura_Matou, for highlighting the Leo-451, a beautiful vintage deathtrap by Ranwers, and to Stefan_SG for fixing the bombsight and helping us to fight back against the tyranny of the 413 mod-breakers!
DOWNLOAD Leo-451 Upgrade