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Author Topic: Hughes P21-J Devastator  (Read 11556 times)

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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2016, 12:05:48 PM »

I think these fantasy aircraft should have an own CUP Section so they dont interfere with the rest (like the odd planes in CUP WAW) and that people who like that kind of stuff have a playfield (without endangering the rest of CUP).
Just an idea, i have nothing against crazy airplanes.


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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2016, 01:17:47 PM »

That "Bomb" game looks like it's cross between Disney's Talespin and Crimson Skies.


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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2016, 03:56:49 PM »

I loved Crimson Skies, and I miss it- since it doesn't work with modern graphics processors, and I never did get into the X-Box version. I would love to see some "Crimson Skies" action in this game- with the more realistic flight models and all- It would be really cool if, like in Crimson Skies, one could hook up with a dirigable airship/ carrier- but I'm sure that would be a quite complex and difficult project. Still, I really like the idea of having some of the [aerodynamically ridiculous] fantasy aircraft from that old game to play around with.


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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2016, 04:06:38 PM »

I think these fantasy aircraft should have an own CUP Section so they dont interfere with the rest (like the odd planes in CUP WAW) and that people who like that kind of stuff have a playfield (without endangering the rest of CUP).
Just an idea, i have nothing against crazy airplanes.
Whoa, when did I say I was making a pack for IL-2 called Crimson Skies? lol :)) I haven't even finished one plane, so it's far from anywhere near having any certain area needed for these planes ;)

That "Bomb" game looks like it's cross between Disney's Talespin and Crimson Skies.
It does, doesn't it? However, the first mission, the first thing I launched to play just threw me off. I've uninstalled it and refunded it in less than 5 minutes.

I loved Crimson Skies, and I miss it- since it doesn't work with modern graphics processors, and I never did get into the X-Box version. I would love to see some "Crimson Skies" action in this game- with the more realistic flight models and all- It would be really cool if, like in Crimson Skies, one could hook up with a dirigable airship/ carrier- but I'm sure that would be a quite complex and difficult project. Still, I really like the idea of having some of the [aerodynamically ridiculous] fantasy aircraft from that old game to play around with.
I'm not sure about you, but I've got Crimson Skies working on my PC, and I've got a GTX 450... :-X There's a link with something you should download, where someone made a custom .exe file as well as the files in 1.12 patch where this manages to fix most of the issues. It's how I got my screenshots. I'll PM you later with the links when I find them, getting back to topic, what you said about docking and zeps is what I want too. I don't know but it'll definitly take a lot of java and stuff. Not sure if it is possible, but it may be. Let's hope it is.
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2016, 08:21:51 PM »

Hey Ghost, I would love to get Crimson Skies working in Win7!

Pip, pip,
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2016, 08:50:29 AM »

Hoddyman, Conky, I've sent you both a PM with instructions on how to get Crimson Skies up and running. Check it out and get back to me and let me know if it works or not. 8)
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2016, 12:20:42 PM »

Ok, just have to find my Crimson Skies disc!  :P
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2017, 07:43:07 AM »

Progress on this has been slow but getting there.

Someone built one here:

and I've been using it for reference, though it won't be as highly detailed as his, I did notice a considerable amount of differences between his and mine... The game being so old, there's really no references or way for me to reference actual things and images tend to get changed and people have come up with their own variants and changes here and there...


This guy's drawings differed from the original so that sort of threw me off, and made me realize, mine has a cowl now, and when the hell did the cowl ever turn like that? The 2000 Microsoft variant NEVER had a cowl like mine, and even from the ones designed by the YouTube person, never really looked like that. So in the end, I'm confused as to whether to stick to the 2000 model release (probably unlikely as it's really... Not that good looking), keep the idea that most photos on Google appear to be or .

I think I may have to rework the cockpit area/fuselage a bit to get it to get it look like the YouTube video, but I think it looks cooler with a cowl and maybe, a change to the canopy. What do you think? Sure the aircraft is my work and design at the end of the day depending on how I release it, but any suggestions or opinions would be good.

I'm putting my coin toss in the bucket that says Mark IV (which doesn't exist in the Crimson Skies world atm) but may soon. I personally don't like the contra-rotating prop design and when you see it from the side, it sort of... Looks crap. I may just stick with a single 4 blade pusher instead of contrarotating props. Maybe release multiple variants? Who knows.   

The cockpit will most certainly NOT be original.

The person who made the video is called James, so I'll be referring to his model by his name. James' did this amazing cockpit in his WIP's which I may try to design and work the P21J's cockpit to look like. It's MUCH better than the original (can't blame limitations of the glorious 2000 that much) but I'm sure Microsoft would have really done a lot more if they could.

It probably won't be exact or as professionally done as James has done it, but hey, it'll still be something, won't it..?
Provided it gets released or even finished lol hints at DHC1 why can't I ever finish that piece of crap
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2017, 07:54:35 AM »

Cool  8) All we need now is a Buck Rogers (skin) as a pilot.
Looks pretty cool.
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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2017, 01:48:46 AM »

Good luck with this one. I loved Crimson Skies and this would be a great fun plane to add to the collection! :)


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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2017, 08:05:23 AM »

An interesting project and looking good so far Ghost129er.

 I used to play this for hours on end when it first came out and even have it installed on my pc to this day. So needless to say I'll be looking forward to seeing how your project turns out. ;)


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Re: Hughes P21-J Devastator
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2017, 09:06:07 AM »

Hey all,

An open request to any Autodesk 3DS MAX users here - recently, I had a hard drive failure (more like I failed to back it up before dicking around with it) and that has caused me to lost ALL work on my P21J Devestator, My Rans S9 Chaos, and many other WIP mods I had intended to release. I am releasing a 'recovered' .Max file of the P21J in hopes that SOMEONE'S 3DS Max application, can, by some Godly gracious miracle, can open the file and recover it's contents. I have had no luck with it, but I have some faith that maybe someone can help me recover the 100+ hours I've spent on this aircraft since Day 1.

Here is the download link for the P21J.

Please, don't release it or claim it as yours, though, I can't really stop anyone, but please, DO send over a fresh save or Exported .obj file of the aircraft if you are able to recover anything... This project had a lot of heart and love put into it so it honestly means a lot to me if this can get recovered. The S9 Chaos and P21J, both of which were around 4 mb, were worth far more than the 98 GB of crap I recovered... It really is a shame because I never got to take screenies of the finished cockpit, cage, and everything I had just finished and how fucking amazing it was looking...

My 3DS Max version is 2015. Maybe a newer version of Max could open this?

Many MANY thanks in advance,
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