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Author Topic: WAW only crashes when loading missions with friendly air units  (Read 920 times)

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WAW only crashes when loading missions with friendly air units
« on: December 23, 2016, 04:07:00 PM »

Have CUP installed fully up too date and have had no major issues prior to this. Until the other day I went too try out a quick mission with extra friendly units other than the main 4 wingmen of my group. The game gets too around 35% loading aircraft and then crashes. Loading these exact planes as myself or as enemy AI their is no issue. (I can have as many enemy groups as I like) I have tried this on full mission browser and campaigns etc, but the same issue is present. Other than that CUP works perfect. A bit annoying as I really want too play a fighter escort B17 mission and stuck on most campaigns :(

I am pretty sure this may have only started the last few weeks when I updated from around part 15, up too the latest download.

Seems a strange issue, anyone have any ideas?

Would post a log but followed the instructions and updated the Conf.ini but the logfile doesn't show up in the root folder, If anyone can point me in the right direction for this too I would be grateful.

Many Thanks in advance.


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Re: WAW only crashes when loading missions with friendly air units
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2016, 08:43:30 PM »

The first thing you need to do is to have a look at this post:


When this comes up, scroll down to the section of the post entitled CHECK LOGFILE CAPABILITY. This will show you how to ensure that the logfile is set up properly in conf.ini.

The logfile appears in the main directory as shown below. I've underlined it in red:

If the logfile is properly configured, double-clicking on it will result in a notepad window containing the information you need. For the purpose of the shot below, I compressed the window a bit and pushed it to one side:

The link below leads to a thread in which Gerax and Storbror explain how to locate and post the relevant logfile information:


Hope this makes sense.  8)
A ya tsi-tsalagi.
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