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Author Topic: Weapon pack Generation 2016-iii (ver 25/Jul/2020) and Jet pit Common materials (ver 26/Feb/2019)  (Read 64737 times)

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Here is a new JetEra weapon collection "Weapon pack Generation 2016" and Cockpit texture collection "Jet Cockpit Common Materials".

 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Weapon pack Generation 2016" is needed only for special made Jets using this pack contents as their loadouts.
This pack doesn't affect old Jets or props.
When you have not installed the Jet(s) need it ..... you don't need to install this pack.

List of Jets using this Weapon pack Gen2016-iii on 22nd/Jan./2019.
- F/A-18C/D and AV-8B+ V4.0 Open Beta
- A-4 E/F/M sas Beta v0.9
- A-6 Intruder
- Su-25 v4.0 wip by Ranwers

List of Jets using this Weapon pack on 06th/Apr./2017.
- F-5A/E by Ranwers
- IL-28 by Vega
- F-4 V2.0 by Vega
- F-16 V2.0 by Ranwers and Vega
- F-105 V2.0 by Ranwers and Vega

Download --- https://www.mediafire.com/file/w6zt5x73pwzen4v/WeaponPack_Gen2016_iii_20200725release.7z/file

When you've installed version 15/Jan/2020 (20200115release), the different file in the version 25/Jul/2020 (20200725release) is only one classfile.
So, easy update is possible in overwriting this small patch --- https://www.mediafire.com/file/7tf2g64kydn8vbr/WeaponPack_Gen2016_iii_20200725patch_from20200115.7z/file

Version "-iii" can overwrite on only version "-iii" 24th/Nov./2017 or laters.
When your installed version is older like "-ii" 14th/Nov./2017 or 19th/Sep./2017 , then you need 'Clean install'. Not to overwrite on old version folder.

- SAS Common Utils
- SAS Engine MOD 2.8.20 western (25th/Jul/2020) or later
- 1956 The JetEra v1.33 or later
- Vega's Weapon pack

1. New unified hooked position for all the bombs , rockets and missiles with postfix "_gn16". It decreases weapon hook numbers on aircrafts not to prepare different hooks for different diameter bombs / rockets.
2. 3D size and shape, smoothing correction with historical data.
3. Better LODs and shadows with less polygons in long distance.
4. Fix some UV mapping errors for texture designs.
5. Saving disk space by not to use different 3do folder only changing models' colors , no change about their 3D. It's done by java code switching the material.
6. Animation java code for extending fins etc. on some bombs.
7. Some special fueltanks of "SkinnableOrdnance" can reflect mother aircraft's user custom skin colors.
8. Not to conflict stock weapons or JetEra mod weapons (using different class names and 3do folder names).
9. Laser guided missiles / bombs can catch the Laser from JTAC's ground laser designator objects (like US / NATO LLDR AN/PED-1).

Limited feature, develop plan existing but hard to implement quickly:
 - Better guidance code for cruise missiles.

Contents list:
Code: [Select]
US Dumb Bombs:
 - Mk81 (250lbs) , Mk81 SnakeEye , Mk82 (500lbs) and with extended fuse DaisyCutter , Mk82 SnakeEye
 - Mk83 (1000lbs) , Mk83 Ballute , Mk84 (2000lbs) , Mk84 Ballute
 - M117 (750lbs) and with extended fuse DaisyCutter , M118 (3000lbs)
 - Mk77 Napalm Mod0 750lbs and Mod1 500lbs (Navy and Marine Corps)
 - Mk79 Napalm (Navy and Marine Corps)
 - BLU-1 and BLU-27 , BLU-23 and BLU-32 , BLU-10 , BLU-11 Napalm (Air Force)
US Cluster Bombs:
 - CBU-24 with Bomblet BLU-26
 - Mk20 RockeyeII with Bomblet Mk118
 - CBU-87 with Bomblet BLU-97
US Guided Bombs:
 - Laser guided "Paveway II" .... GBU-10 (2000lbs based on Mk84), GBU-12 (500lbs based on Mk82), GBU-16 (1000lbs based on Mk83)
 - GPS guided "JDAM" .... GBU-31 (2000lbs based on Mk84), GBU-32 (1000lbs based on Mk83), GBU-38 (500lbs based on Mk82)
US Nuke:
 - Mk7 (8 kilo-ton and 22 kilo-ton) with extending fins animation
 - Mk12 (12 kilo-ton)  with extending fins animation
 - B28 (EX 70 kilo-ton, FI 350 kilo-ton and 1.1 Mega-ton, IN 70 kilo-ton , RE 70 kilo-ton and 350 kilo-ton)
 - B43 (70 kilo-ton, 200 kilo-ton, 500 kilo-ton w/ parachute)
 - B57 (5 kilo-ton, 10 kilo-ton, 20 kilo-ton .... each w/ or w/o parachute)
 - B61 (0.3 kilo-ton, 5 kilo-ton, 10 kilo-ton, 80 kilo-ton .... each w/ or w/o parachute)
 - B83 (200 kilo-ton, 500 kilo-ton w/ parachute, 1 Mega-ton w/ parachute)
US Parachute Illumination Flare:
 - LUU-2 (direct mount bomb version and rocket version stored in SUU-25 dispenser)
US unguided rockets:
 - Mk4 FFAR 2.75inch
 - HYDRA70 2.75inch
 - Mk4 or HYDRA70 2.75inch FAC / FO (WP warhead)
 - Zuni 5inch (Mk16 motor, Mk16 motor with AP warhead, Mk71 motor, Mk71 motor with AP warhead)
 - Zuni FAC / FO (Mk16 or Mk71 motor + WP warhead)
 - AIR-2 Genie Air-to-Air Nuclear rocket used by F-106, F-108, F-89
 - AIM-4 Falcon .... AIM-4A,C,D,F,G , exported AIM-4C as Swiss HM-58/Sweden Rb 28
 - AIM-26 Falcon .... AIM-26A/B , exported AIM-26B as Swiss HM-57/Sweden Rb 27
 - AIM-7 Sparrow .... AIM-7E,M
 - AIM-9 Sidewinder .... AIM-9B,C,D,E,H,J,L
 - AIM-54 Phoenix .... AIM-54A,C
 - AIM-120 AMRAAM .... AIM-120A
 - AGM-12 Bullpup .... AGM-12B,C,E
 - AGM-65 Marvelick .... AGM-65B,D,E,F,K
 - AGM-123A Skipper II
 - AGM-114 Hellfire .... AGM-114C,L
 - BGM-71 TOW .... BGM-71A,C,D
 - AGM-84 Harpoon .... AGM-84A,D,J
 - AGM-45 Shrike .... AGM-45A,B
 - AGM-88 HARM .... AGM-88A,D
US Fuel Droptank:
 - 150 gallon Skyraider / OV-10 .... 2x horizontal tailfins or No tailfin style
 - 300 gallon Skyhawk / A-6 / A-7 / S-3 / AV-8 tank .... 7x different tailfin styles and no tailfin style
 - 400 gallon Skyhawk tank
 - 150 gallon F-5A thin tank .... 2x different tailfin styles and no tailfin style (skinnable)
 - 150 gallon F-5E thick tank .... 2x different tailfin styles and no tailfin style (skinnable)
 - 275 gallon F-5E tank (skinnable)
 - 267 gallon F-14 tank (Left and Right)
 - 300 and 370 gallon F-16 tanks (Center and Wing)
 - 300 gallon F/A-18 tank
US Gunpod:
 - Mk4 HIPEG 20mm .... 3D visual pod, and machine gun classes 700rpm and 4000rpm
 - SUU-23 20mm / M61A1 .... 3D visual pod, and machine gun classes
 - GPU-5 30mm / GAU-13 .... 3D visual pod, and machine gun classes
 - QRC-160 .... QRC-160-1, -2
 - AN/AQL-131
 - AN/AQL-164 "DECM" .... used by AV-8B+
 - AN/AQL-167 .... 2x different styles
US Datalink Pod:
 - AN/AWW-13 .... used with Walleye ERDL or AGM-84E SLAM
US Targeting Pod, Navigation Pod:
 - AN/AAQ-13 .... a part of LANTIRN, Navigation and FLIR.
 - AN/AAQ-14 .... a part of LANTIRN, Laser designate and FLIR. F-14's AN/AAQ-25 is just the same shape.
 - AN/AAQ-28 "LITENING" .... Laser designate and FLIR.
US Recon pod:
 - TARPS .... used by F-14
US Pylon:
 - F-100 outboard
 - MER (2x different hooked versions forward or middle)
 - TER
 - F/A-18's original pylons SUU-62 and -63.
US rocket pod:
 - LAU-10 .... for Zuni 5inch, nose/tail cap ready.
 - LAU-130,131 .... 19x or 7x for Mk4 FFAR or HYDRA70 (also called LAU-3,32 or LAU-61,68), nose/tail cap ready.
 - M260, 261 .... 19x or 7x for Mk4 FFAR or HYDRA70 used by only ARMY Helicopters
US missile launcher rail:
 - LAU-7 .... 1x AIM-9 Sidewinder launcher rail
 - LAU-88 .... 3x AGM-65 launcher rails
 - LAU-115 .... 1x AIM-7 Sparrow launcher rail for F/A-18, different height subtypes A and C.
 - LAU-117 .... 1x AGM-65 launcher rail
 - LAU-118 .... for AGM-12B, AGM-45, AGM-88
 - LAU-127 .... 1x AIM-9 or AIM-120 AMRAAM launcher rail
 - Twin LAU-127 on LAU-115 A/C .... 2x LAU-127 rails are set on both sides of LAU-115 A/C , for F/A-18
 - M279,299 .... 2x / 4x AGM-114 Hellfire
US other Pod:
 - SUU-25 .... Flare dispenser for 8x LUU-2

USSR Dumb Bombs:
 - FAB M-43 .... FAB-1000
 - FAB M-46 .... FAB-100, 250, 500, 1500, 3000
USSR Cluster Bombs:
 - RBK-250 with Bomblet AO1
 - RBK-500 with Bomblet PTAB1M
 - KMGU-2 container
USSR Nuke:
 - RDS-4T
USSR Parachute Illumination Flare:
 - SAB-100-90
 - SAB-250-200
USSR unguided rockets:
 - S-5 55mm
 - S-8 80mm
 - S-13 122mm
 - S-24 240mm
 - S-25 250mm
 - R-60 .... R-60M (AA-8)
 - Kh-25 .... Kh-25ML,MR
 - Kh-29 .... Kh-29L
 - Sturm-V
USSR Fuel Droptank:
 - 450 litter helicopters tank .... PTB-450L (Mi-8, Mi-24)
 - 800 litter Su-25 tank .... PTB-800L (Su-25)
USSR Extra Fuel tank:
 - 450 litter internal tank for helicopters (Mi-8, Mi-24)
USSR Gunpod:
 - UPK-23 23mm .... 3D visual pod
 - SPPU-22 23mm .... 3D visual pod with nose-down variations
 - GUV-8700 (MG combo or Automatic Grenade) .... 1x YakB 12.7mm+2x GShG 7.62mm or 1x AGS-17 30mm Grenade
USSR Pylon:
 - MBD .... 4x FAB-100 multiple bomb rack
 - Sturm tube rack .... under rack for 2x Sturm tube
USSR rocket pod:
 - UB-16, UB-32 .... 16x / 32x S-5 55mm
 - B-8M1 / V20.... 20x S-8 80mm (for Jets / for Helicopters)
 - B-13 / L1 .... 5x S-13 130mm (for Jets / for Helicopters)
 - O-25 .... 1x S-25 250mm
USSR missile launcher rail:
 - APU-60I .... 1x R-60M
 - APU-60II .... 2x R-60M (Left / Right)
 - APU-68UM2 .... for S-24,Kh-25

Europe missiles:
 - Matra R.530 AAM .... IR Homing, Semi-Active Radar Homing
 - Matra R.550 AAM .... Magic, Magic2
 - Aspide Mk.I AAM
 - AS-34 Anti-Ship missile

Israel missiles:
 - Python3,4,5 AAM .... IR Homing
 - Derby AAM .... Active Radar Homing

 - Countermeasure Chaff
 - Countermeasure Flare

Not finished to the standard quality (No LOD, No shadow, etc) , only hooked position set
Code: [Select]
F-100 Droptanks , F-105 Droptanks , R.550 AAM , AS.34 AShM

Pack's author , research historical data , 3D and code correction: western0221
Scratch build 3D of some new weapons or launchers ("B" number US Nukes, cluster bomblets, LAU-88, etc.): western0221
3D / 2D / code original authors:
Code: [Select]
Aviator Mod Team

and other that I forget

 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Jet Cockpit Common Materials" is needed only for special made Jets using this pack contents in their cockpits.
This pack doesn't affect old Jets or props.
When you have not installed the Jet(s) need it ..... you don't need to install this pack.

List of Jets using this cockpit material pack on 26th/Feb/2019.
- F-14 V1.10
- F/A-18C/D and AV-8B+ pre V4.0 Beta
(- closed Beta testing US Jets having HUD or MFD, Laser targeting cockpit)

Download -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/wakdjd7y697gq9j/US_JetCockpitCommonMaterials_20190226.7z/file

This pack contains only 3D msh file / 2D mat and tga texture file / him file, sound wav and preset, so no classfiles.

- Head Up Display's characters / symbols / lines for US Jets F/A-18 and AV-8B+.
- Head Down multi function Display's frames / characters / symbols / lines for US Jets F/A-18 and AV-8B+.
- RWR display symbols for US Jets.
- Warning lights for US Jets.
- Full set of Laser targeting cockpit for US Jets.
- RWR or cockpit warning sound and 'Betty' voices in English for US Jets.
- Short buzzer sound.

Future plan:
Add analogue needle textures for F-4 or F-5 etc.



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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2016, 04:30:49 PM »

Sample screenshots.

USAF GPU-5 , 30mm gunpod for F-16 (tested for CAS role, but canceled) and F-5 (used by only Thai).

USAF Fire bombs, BLU-10 / 11 / 23 / 32.

and also BLU-1 / 27.

USN Fire bomb, Mk77 (Mod0:750lbs , Mod1:500lbs)

and also Mk79.

US cluster bomb Mk20 RockeyeII , dispenser

After 2 seconds from dropped, Mk20's dispenser opens tail fins.

Its internal bomblet Mk118 is also modeled.

US AGM-65 Mavericks with single rail launcher LAU-117

and triple rail launcher LAU-88 (not used nowadays, though).

US AGM-84E SLAM (Standoff Land Attack Missile) with AN/AWW-13 Datalink pod

USN 5" Zuni rocket's 4x launcher LAU-10

with fairings (It affects decreasing drag value!)

2x types of US 2.75" (70mm) rockets, Mk4FFAR and HYDRA70.

USSR / Russian bombs, based on Lyndr's beautiful 3D models with his permission.
FAB-xxx M-46 series, designed in year 1946.

You can look at other screenshots and developing progress in this WIP topic.


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 11/Apr/2017
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2016, 04:32:20 PM »

Old version "Weapon pack Generation 2016" backup.

Version 06th/Apr./2017 pack and 11th/Apr./2017 patch.

Download -- http //www.mediafire.com/file/a94--yd/WeaponPack_Gen2016_20170406release.7z
Daisy Cutter accidental exploding bug fix patch -- http //www.mediafire.com/file/vi9x--y9fdt/WeaponPack_Gen2016_20170411patch.7z


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2016, 10:55:20 PM »

Thank you great Western0221 !


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2016, 04:34:06 AM »

Thanks Western!!


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2016, 07:38:40 AM »

One file was missing and it caused F-5 crashing, sorry my mistake.

Fix patch is in my 1st post.

Katson Watson

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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2016, 08:44:45 AM »

Thank you very much!!!))))

-Yes, I have edited it again. I had written it more than year ago and few moments ago I did it one more time azazaz lol.
Sorry for my English)


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2016, 10:59:43 PM »

Thanks for the Weapons Pack 2016, Its Working and Ready to Fly.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2016, 10:39:33 AM »

7. Some special fueltanks of "SkinnableOrdnance" can reflect mother aircraft's user custom skin colors.

The day has come...
...great work Western. Great work indeed.
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 24/Dec/2016
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2016, 12:10:33 PM »

Thanks for the new Weapons Pack!!!


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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 05/Jan/2017
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2017, 02:37:15 AM »

New version is released in my 1st post.

Today's addition:
- Mk81 SnakeEye
- Mk83 Ballute and Mk84 Ballute .... Balloon - Parachute Braking bombs for low-level bombing
- FAB-1000 M-43

Screenshots of them will be posted in my WIP topic later.

You can see or use those new bombs only after some mod Jets will be updated or published using them in the future.

Katson Watson

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Re: Weapon pack Generation 2016 , ver 05/Jan/2017
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2017, 05:34:01 AM »

Weapons pack Generation 2017))
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