Wanna have more confusion added to this issue?
What I know so far:
BAT ("original") with or without Expansion Pack 1 = F-18 works.
BAT Expansion Pack 2 or later = F-18 doesn't work.
BAT Expansion Pack 2 or later, with Engine Mod folder from CUP or from BAT part 26 = F-18 works.
This indicates that the issue is Engine Mod related.
I've tested this on two PCs @home, one is my gaming rig (Core i5 2500K, Nvidia GTX-970, 8GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit), the other is my wife's laptop (Pentium 2020M, Intel HD graphics, 6GB RAM, Windows 10 Home 64 Bit). Both show the very same issue as reported in the opening post of this thread.
Now comes the surprise:
The BAT installation I've used for testing resides on an external USB HDD, that way I could use it to easily perform the comparative tests between the two systems @home.
Today I took that disk with me to the office, plugged it to my dev PC (Core i7-920, Nvidia GT-740, 12GM RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit), and - tada! - IT WORKS!
Go figure!
The very same game from the very same disk in unchanged condition, not working @home an hour ago, works flawlessly on my work PC.
This explains why I'm quite alone with my issues, yet it doesn't explain where exactly they come from.
Best regards - Mike