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Author Topic: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod  (Read 10353 times)

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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2017, 09:35:41 AM »

Thanks. I did some tweaking based on your suggestions & and I'm testing.

Any thoughts on the other issue I discovered with some of my copied CUP FMB's into BAT?





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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2017, 11:51:20 AM »


OK, just to let the community know. I tweaked my conf.ini and that hasn't solved the flyby/external engine sounds for several airplanes.

The latest one that has no flyby/external engine sounds is the Bloch MB-210 Verdun.

Hope there will be a modder update for this issue.

Thanks for the help.



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2017, 10:06:18 PM »

The Le0-451 is also not giving any external/flyby sounds.


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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2017, 06:41:49 AM »

Well, after tweaking my config.ini & using the alternate dll files, I'm still having the No Flyby/external sound issues with some but not all aircraft.

I'm not sure if this could be the reason for the issue, but I'll throw it out there.

I was checking inside my #WAW2 folder and there is an existing "unzipped" file named FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip, which contains two files:

I thought its unusual to have these inside the #WAW2 folder & I notice that none of the other folders have this.

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't notice this before & I'm not sure if its been in the #WAW2 folder from my initial install.

I'm starting to think about doing a complete duplicate BAT install though that seems like a lot of trouble.

Could this be part of the issue I'm having with Flyby/external sounds missing from some aircraft, but not all?

If so, what is my resolution?




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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2017, 03:34:07 PM »

OK. Here's an update on troubleshooting the No Flyby Sounds for certain aircraft.

I did a completely fresh vanilla install of BAT over IL-2 4.12.2M. I tested this & Flyby sounds were good for all aircraft that I have had trouble with my original BAT install. Furthermore there was NO Unzipped file named FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip inside my #WAW2 folder.

I then installed BATEXP 01, tested the game & results were same flyby sounds good, no unzip inside #WAW2.

I then installed BATEXP 02, tested the game & the results were again good; same flyby sounds good, no unzip inside #WAW2.

I then installed BATEXP 03, this time there IS the Unzipped FILE "FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip" inside #WAW2 & guess what...Now the missing Flyby/external engine sounds for some, but not all aircraft are back.

Now before I install any further BAT EXPANSION Packs to this iteration of BAT, I'm looking for some professional advice on what to do?

Clearly this unzipped file with the two files inside is related to the issue, but what should I do?




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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2017, 03:47:48 PM »

OK. Here's an update on troubleshooting the No Flyby Sounds for certain aircraft.

I did a completely fresh vanilla install of BAT over IL-2 4.12.2M. I tested this & Flyby sounds were good for all aircraft that I have had trouble with my original BAT install. Furthermore there was NO Unzipped file named FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip inside my #WAW2 folder.

I then installed BATEXP 01, tested the game & results were same flyby sounds good, no unzip inside #WAW2.

I then installed BATEXP 02, tested the game & the results were again good; same flyby sounds good, no unzip inside #WAW2.

I then installed BATEXP 03, this time there IS the Unzipped FILE "FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip" inside #WAW2 & guess what...Now the missing Flyby/external engine sounds for some, but not all aircraft are back.

Now before I install any further BAT EXPANSION Packs to this iteration of BAT, I'm looking for some professional advice on what to do?

Clearly this unzipped file with the two files inside is related to the issue, but what should I do?



OK. Just to be sure, I re-downloaded BATEXP 03 & the Unzipped FILE "FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip" inside #WAW2 is in that expansion pack file.

I'll standby for any professional advice for my next move before I continue with installing additional expansion packs over this iteration of BAT.

Thanks for all the advice



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2017, 08:50:11 PM »

For reference, here's what the BATEP03 zip looks like when opened. Note the "unzipped" FLYBY CLASSES SOUND.zip

I'm guessing that the files inside that unzipped folder, should be installed with BATEXP03 & that is the cause of my "no flyby sound" issue, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure how to proceed.

I'll stand by for pro advice & thanks.



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2017, 08:56:43 PM »

I too have the zip files in my WAW2 folder as well
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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2017, 10:03:30 PM »

Have you experienced any issues with no flyby sounds for certain aircraft?

I had this issue with my original BAT install, but I had that one updated thru BATEXP 04 from the start & it exists even after updating thru BATEXP 05.

However, today I went thru the trouble of doing a complete fresh new BAT install & tested the game for this issue: plain BAT-good flyby sounds, then EXP 01-good flyby sounds, then EXP 02-good flyby sounds...checked each time & there was no unzipped FLYBY SOUND folder in #WAW2.

Then I updated EXP 03, the unzipped file appears in #WAW2 & guess what, the no flyby sound issue for certain aircraft is BACK....that's why I believe it's related.

you can read up to earlier replies in this thread to see the planes I've had effected..there may be others that I haven't encountered

So, have you encountered any flyby sound issue?



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2017, 11:02:00 PM »

Of course a left over construction folder inside #WAW does absolutely nothing.  Run with it or without it, makes no difference, how could it?  Just delete it.

You have some sound issue, I thought you fixed it with the correct settings in CONF.ini.  If its back, whatever causes it for you, it is not a left over zip.file.

BATEP03.ZIP did introduce a new soundset for #WAW.  Actually it was the old CUP soundset and should be there.  Variations on #WAW/Classes-Sound can easily be modified, as above, or directly because the prs and soundfiles remain uncompressed.

For the majority of B.A.T. flyers the existing #WAW2 sounds are fine, excellent in fact, since they deliver Tiger33 flybys in a 412 environment.

However, you now say it was all good until BATEP03 - Well that's fine, roll back to then, you can still have the rest of the expansion pack content.

If you wish to 'roll back' your sounds, start by deleting this folder: ...Il2/#WAW2/Classes-Sound and the rebuild Classes-Sound from BAT26, where it first appears, to BATEP01 and BATEP02.  Just take the Classes- Sound from each, in number order, and put them back into #WAW2 to reach the point you had, regarding the sound in #WAW2, before you installed BATEP03.



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2017, 11:25:52 AM »

Sir, thanks very much for all the help. Not just this issue, but several others that you've taken time to assist with the past few days. I'm sure it gets tiresome dealing with folks like myself who are not very conversant in the intricacies of computer game structure, files, etc. But your help is most appreciated.

Anyway, I followed your advice & "rolled back" my BAT installs (both) to the CLASSES-SOUND that existed before BATEXP03. I tested it with a few of my "problem" aircraft & all is well now. The flybysounds are back for all the aircraft I've tested.

I then installed the remaining BATEXP packs thru 05 part 2 & again all is still well.

My question for you is the following. If future BATEXP's contain new CLASSES-SOUND folders for #WAW2, am I safe to install them without this issue reoccurring?

Thanks again, I am very grateful for the whole wonderful BAT concept & overall experience using the game.



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Re: Flyby sounds not all the same in BAT's Soundmod
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2017, 02:54:15 PM »

Yes, you are fine - You picked up a bump along the way, re-started the process and cleaned out whatever happened.  There are no plans to add anything else sound related to #WAW2 and the odd left-over ZIP has been cleaned out of BATEP03.

With regard to old missions again it really is a bit naughty to post about a problem generated by an old mission.  We expect that.  Obviously many old missions are going to have to be re-jigged.  The process is very simple and involves opening them up and editing them in FMB.  Save within B.A.T. with B.A.T. tools and you are fixed, good to go. 

Lots of people are working on missions, old and new.  We need to understand that loading any mission made outside of B.A.T. will not provide a reliable result but can be fixed.  B.A.T. is a platform for the best campaigns to come.  It is also mission builders toolkit.

This is why those mission builders that report from within FMB have come up with real issues that we have solved together.

Well done in sticking with it so far.  Lets hope you can now use your experience to help others who run into similar things later on.  ;D
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